This week’s The Bold and the Beautiful episodes were dedicated to letting the drama of Ridge’s drunken wedding to Shauna be revealed and for everyone to react. We have a gleeful Quinn, a guilty Shauna, a disappointed Eric, a surprised Donna, a torn Ridge and a heartbroken Brooke. Let’s dive into this week’s B&B week in review for August 10-14, 2020.
The Bold and The Beautiful Recap: August 10-14, 2020
As much as I don’t necessarily care for this story, I can admit that all involved are doing a great job. The deck is so clearly stacked to crumble down on Shauna and to reunite Brooke and Ridge, but it’s also going to come for Quinn, and I think that is set up nicely. I get the feeling that when Quinn’s part in the whole scheme is revealed, it’s going to open the door for Donna and Eric to reunite. I saw some undertones in the scenes where Eric caught Donna up on the Brooke and Ridge drama. I have to say, I am excited for that part. I kind of have a soft spot for Eric and Donna so I’m hoping that my guess is right.

When it comes to Ridge and Brooke, I am pretty indifferent most of the time. However, my heart strings were pulled this week. I actually found myself enjoying the scenes and for the first time in a long time, found myself actually rooting for them. I mean we already know they will end up back together but despite that, I felt for both characters and it surprised me. Pleasantly.
As I said in last week’s review, I don’t really care for Flo and Wyatt, so their scenes were just background noise for me to get caught up on some other things. It’s time to pull the plug on this dull pairing. The talk about their future kids took me out. I can’t even deal with them having a baby. Please do not go there.
Also, like last week the highlight of this week for me was Steffy’s storyline. The set-up is clearly there for her addiction storyline. The reasoning behind her need for the pain pills is also evident. She wants to be a good, hands on mom to Kelly. As a mom myself, I can relate, and I can’t fault Steffy for this. When she’s in pain, she can’t lift her child. She can’t play with her and be the person her daughter needs. I get it. This storyline is shaping up to be done well and I have my fingers crossed that the writers keep this momentum up.
We got a brief glimpse of Dr Handsome this week when Steffy called about refilling her prescription. He is so gentle and sweet. I just love him so far. I hope that I am not disappointed. He is just what Steffy needs. Not only to help her deal with her impending addiction but to show her that she deserves to be loved. She deserves to be someone’s first and only choice.
Thomas Forrester. Can I just say that he is probably my favorite thing on Bold right now? Yes, I know, he was awful. He did awful things. But he is showing an amazing amount of remorse for his actions. Especially that he hurt his sister, whom he clearly loves, and his son. I am all buckled in and ready for my ride on the Thomas Redemption ride. The way he is concerned about his sister makes me so swoony. He wants her to be okay and he wants to do everything he can to make sure she is. I love that he is so invested in her recovery. I’m so excited to see where he falls into this storyline and what is on the horizon for him.
The Wrap
My pick for this week’s best performer has to go to Thorsten Kaye. He is literally spinning a crap story into gold. He is bringing the emotion and most especially the torment that Ridge is dealing with while he tries to do right by Shauna despite his desire to be with Brooke.
Worst character of the week? Quinn. I normally enjoy her but this week I found her to be annoying. She is basically the puppet master in the whole Ridge/Brooke/Shauna debacle and is sitting around gloating about her handiwork and how awesome it is to be a rich housewife while she can clearly see that her husband is upset about what is going on with his son. I don’t think she can quite see that may happen to her own marriage as a result of her actions.
Biggest Let Down of the week? The fact that Carter is only used for about 30 seconds to deliver the blow about Ridge and Brooke’s divorce. There is so much he could and should be doing instead.