Join renowned actress Melody Thomas Scott of The Young and the Restless, for a conversation with veteran newswoman Pat Harvey on her life and illustrious career.
Melody is best known for her Emmy-nominated role of Nikki Reed Newman, a character she’s played for 42 years on America’s number one daytime television drama. Pat Harvey is the recipient of numerous awards, and is currently the co-anchor at CBS Los Angeles.
This program is part of the National Arts Club Television Festival (September 27th-October 1st), honoring the achievements of women and the moving image with both in-person and virtual events. For more information:
To attend this free Zoom event please register here:
Please note the time of the event is 4 pm ET / 1 pm PT.
The National Arts Club is a 501 nonprofit and members club on Gramercy Park in New York City. It was founded in 1898 by Charles DeKay, an art and literary critic of the New York Times to “stimulate, foster, and promote public interest in the arts and to educate the American people in the fine arts”.