Last week The Bold and the Beautiful was jam packed with a little something for everyone. A dramatic removal from the building, a stunning wedding location and an impromptu kiss. What more could you want? A return to their best storyline, that’s what.
The Bold and the Beautiful Week in Review for episodes airing September 14-September 18, 2015.
The Bold and the Beautiful Week in Review: A Line I Would Never Cross
After deciding not to wait any longer than the 3 days they already had, Ridge and Caroline jumped at an opportunity to get married right then. Opting to forgo the chapel (or someones living room as its been one to many times) They realized they didn’t need guests or some huge party, they just needed each other and a friends stunning beach side estate. They even skipped over the whole legal mumbo jumbo of getting a license. On the way out the door, they shared their good news with Thomas. He put on his best congratulations face and wished them nothing but the best. Personally, I think he should be relived not to have to stand there and watch the woman he loves marry his father. There’s a certain billionaire in Genoa City, Wisconsin who can tell him how unpleasant that is.

Thomas (Pierson Fode) tempts fate with Nicole (Reign Edwards). Photo Credit: © Howard Wise/
While alone in the office drowning his feelings in to his work, Nicole came in to try and force him to admit to them. Despite Nicole’s insistence on the opposite, Thomas continued to reassure her that there were no lingering feelings and that he was completely happy for Caroline and his father. Clear that he wasn’t getting through to her, Thomas decided the best way to get Nicole to close her mouth would be to do so with his own. Nicole was slightly taken aback by the out of the blue kiss, but the girl is smart. She immediately called him out on only kissing her to shut her up. He in turn told her he kissed her because she was gorgeous and he couldn’t help himself. Can’t wait to see what Zende has to say about this.
While Thomas was using everything he could to distract himself, Ridge and Caroline where exchanging vows. Deciding to wait until the next day to get the official marriage license, they took the term intimate ceremony to a whole new level. Making it the 5th wedding on the show this year and scenery wise, the most beautiful. Whoever does the location scouting for this show deserves a raise. Their vows were simple and sweet. Their happiness infectious. The post nuptial love scene was breathtaking. It was enough to make you forget about the 2 bombshell secrets between them. Almost. Immediately after all the wedding fanfare, Brooke was back badgering Ridge about his vasectomy and Caroline was back to begging Thomas to never breathe a word of their one night stand. Thomas promised and Ridge made a doctors appointment. All roads to happily ever after are all clear it would seem.
Beat Forrester At Their Own Game
While all of that was going down in the CEO office, all hell was breaking loose right across the hall. Steffy continued to exert her will in firing Ivy who refused to go quietly. Although she didn’t really need to, Steffy defended her decision to everyone in attendance that Ivy was untrustworthy and cheated her way into a promotion. One could say that Steffy could have just taken back said promotion and still kept Ivy on. I on the other hand think the cousin from down unda got exactly what she deserved; escorted out by security. Once out of the building and at the beach house, Ivy and Wyatt began to lick there wounds while the latter started devising a plan. Across town over lunch, Katie was telling Bill that she was growing restless and looking for a new project to take up.

Wyatt (Darin Brooks) searches for allies in Katie (Heather Tom) and Bill (Don Diamont). Photo Credit: © Howard Wise/
And a new project summoned them to the beach house. Wyatt informed his father of Ivy’s termination and told him of his as of yet thought through idea of starting a rival fashion house. Katie’s eyes got as big a saucers. Bill remained unmoved. Instead he decided to speak to Liam first. Barging into the CEO office without knocking to check on his investment and the person he put in the VP seat to protect it, Bill called Liam and Steffy out over firing Ivy. Liam responded that he didn’t even like Ivy which was exactly what I was thinking. So I was confused as to what they were defending but it gave me a glimpse of how awesome Batie vs. Steam could be. Again, I still don’t see why Steffy has to defend her decision. Like she told Ivy when she tried to get back into the building to collect her things, Ivy treated Steffy just like Rick had treated her when she got a little power.
After the mini show down, Bill and Katie headed back to Wyatt’s with an answer to his Spencer Designs pitch. And it was no. Not because he didn’t believe in Wyatt, but because he didn’t want a war between his sons. Dammit, Bill. That’s exactly what the fans want! Although I too scoffed at the idea of Ivy being their lead designer, I think a rival fashion house is exactly what this show needs. I grew up on Forrester vs Spectra. Why can’t we have that again? During the staffing change, Quinn was informed that she was be heading up the jewelry line once again. So everyone now knows that Ivy was fired. The question now is which one will be the first to find out the real reason why?
It’s What They Refuse To See
Also back for a brief appearance this week was Rick and Maya. And boy oh boy is the honeymoon over. Their first welcome back was being pelted by food and beer at a food truck by a few bigoted kids. I’m glad that the writers chose to keep exploring the issue of transphobia. It keeps the story authentic. I hope we see/hear more of that and I hope that we also see Vivienne and Julius back sooner rather than later. There’s still a lot of story there left to be told. And it doesn’t have to be over night. The Avants have the kind of family dynamic that can drive story for years to come.
This week, Zende reacts to Thomas and Nicole’s kiss by finally making his move, Ivy comes up with a plan to get her job back and Brooke pushes Ridge to tell Caroline the truth.
Line of the week: “This? No no, this isn’t misery. This is my resting bitch face. Yeah, I get that when I’m hungry”
Performer of the Week: Darin Brooks (Wyatt)