“I really quite enjoy watching these mortals squirm.”I said last week that I felt that the second episode of this season would give us more of an idea of what’s in store for the revamped super natural drama and it did. ‘Whispers In The Dark’ brought back a familiar face from the past, introduced us to a new character and gave us a glimpse of a secret that has been teased since the first season.
Joe Corbin
Zach Appleman is back as Corbin’s wayward son and he wants in on the relic hunting business. Joe gets caught in the crossfires when a rival from Jenny’s past comes looking for a lump of coal. Okay it’s really a magic stone of some sort but whatever it does must be pretty powerful. Jenny, who has been trying to leave her past life behind, trades the relic for Joe’s life. But afterwards, Joe tells Jenny he wants to help her get it back.
This was seemingly unrelated to the main story in the episode yet I can’t help but feel that it will be very important later. Perhaps that black rock will be needed to defeat Pandora. Mostly though I’m kind of suspicious as to the nature Joe’s true intentions. Is he just trying to follow in his father’s footsteps? Does he really have a job as a paramedic or is that completely made up? Maybe he just has a crush on Jenny. Why he’s returned to Sleepy Hollow seems a bit hazy at the moment which makes me ponder if he is to be trusted or not.
Agent Reynolds
I get the feeling that Abbie’s new boss may be the Betsy Ross to her Ichabod. Or maybe she’s more the Betsy Ross to Agent Reynolds’ (Lance Gross) Ichabod. It was a little hard to tell who may have had a crush on who. Abbie did make it clear though that Ichabod was only her roommate and nothing more when Reynolds started to get the wrong impression. He interrupted the closeness between the two witnesses as romance which could be a clue as to what his relationship with Abbie was like at one time. Maybe they were “roommates” in the past. He didn’t buy that Ichabod was just a historical expert so as Ichabod keeps turning up, I wonder if Abbie will have to eventually let him in on their secret or he’ll end up discovering the truth on his own.
I think Gross fit in well with cast and I like the hint of a previous relationship with Abbie. I’m not sure if he’s suppose to be a potential romantic interest or not for Agent Mills but no doubt he’ll prove to be a bit of an obstacle. Being from Abbie’s past he’ll lead to more development for her character and give us glimpse at perhaps a wilder younger version of herself.
Pandora’s Box

SLEEPY HOLLOW: Abbie (Nicole Beharie) in the ÒWhispers In The DarkÓ episode of SLEEPY HOLLOW airing Thursday, Oct. 8 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Tina Rowden/FOX
This episode was all about secrets and the power they have over the ones who keep them. Pandora’s latest demon was a shadow that feed on a person’s deepest secret. Ichabod’s secret was that one time he was asked to give up his fellow comrades in exchanged for his freedom after being captured by the redcoats and he considered it (but never actually did). Oh Ichie…you are a true boy scout! Abbie’s secret is shown first as glimpse of her spying on someone. It just looks like a normal police sting, but at the end of the episode she shares with Ichabod that she located her father and he is alive. She follows him and takes pictures of him but hasn’t gotten he nerve to speak to him. She hasn’t said anything to Jenny yet either because she knows her sister will want to approach him right away.
I’ve long suspected that there might be something a little dark regarding Abbie’s father. He left his daughters with a crazy woman and then let them fend for themselves in the foster care system. Not a caring thing to do at all. Does that mean he’s evil? Maybe. I can’t wait to see this story explored. I was disappointed when last season only dedicated one episode to learning what the deal was with the Mills sisters’ mother. It seemed uneventful after so much time had been spent showing the effect their mother’s mental illness and neglect had shaped them. I hope that the identity of Papa Mills is developed into a nice story arch.
The other major reveal tonight was Ichabbie learning the identity of their latest big bad, Pandora and her box of evil. In mythology, Pandora is the first woman created by the gods. She opens a box, letting out all the evil on the world. The myth in a nutshell was used to explain why bad things happen. No doubt she’ll be making a lot of bad things happen for the not-so-sleepy town of Sleepy Hollow this season. There’s still the mystery as to what Pandora is looking to accomplish. She mentioned a dowery previously. Could her betrothed be the real villian? Is he someone we’ve already met in the Sleepy Hollow universe?
What were your thoughts on the episode? Do you like the additions of Joe Corbin and Agent Reynolds? Hit the comments to share your thoughts!
Photos courtesy of Fox.