This week on General Hospital, Julian and Alexis’ wedding becomes the scene of a mob attack and the fallout could impact several relationships in town. Get the latest GH scoop in our General Hospital spoilers for the week of February 22, 2016.
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General Hospital Spoilers: Wedding Crash
As Alexis and Julian’s wedding approaches, Olivia’s premonition about the day proves to be disturbingly accurate. Morgan steps into life-threatening danger. Kiki and Lulu are the unfortunate victims of circumstances. Anna shares the truth with Sonny which leads to him making a surprising appearance. Anna pleads for cooler heads. Carly finds a moment of compassion for Ava then later explodes in rage.

Pictured: Eden McCoy (Josslyn) and Laura Wright (Carly).
Photo Credit: © Howard Wise/JPI
Dante pleads with Lulu. Morgan’s fate is not in his own hands. Nikolas encourages his sister to move in with him. Ava and Franco come together to support Kiki. Carly has had enough of her and Sonny’s violent life. A brokenhearted Morgan is on the edge. Anna and Paul’s deception infuriates Jordan. Kiki’s future is in question.
Also This Week
Maxie finds something curious in Nathan’s pocket. Nathan’s attempt to come to the rescue is met with opposition. A woozy Nathan shocks Maxie.
- Lucas is flabbergasted by Brad’s gift.
- Curtis is baffled by Hayden’s revelation.
- Nina’s topic of conversation gives Franco the jitters.
Source Sneak Peek: Week of February 29 – March 4, 2016
Hayden’s presence at Wyndemere causes Elizabeth to rethink her living situation. Jason is thrilled to see Sam and Danny. Later, Sam makes an emotional confession. Will a major moment lead to a truce between Sonny and Ava? Maxie worries that there’s something Nathan is hiding.
Photo Credits: Howard Wise/JPI