This week on Supernatural, the episode fans never knew they always needed and have been waiting weeks for finally arrived. Get ready, SPN Family, it’s ScoobyNatural! Let’s dive into this Supernatural Recap.
**Warning: This will be spoiler heavy as I loved the episode so much it’s super detailed**
It’s been in the works for over a year, and it was an ambitious and risky move but one that paid off. Not too many shows could pull off a crossover this epic, but not only did Supernatural pull it off, they exceeded all expectations. They proved that even thirteen seasons in, they’re not out of creative, game-changing ideas. We were treated to a typical fun-filled Scooby Doo episode with a Supernatural twist. Best part? It is totally standalone, so you don’t have to know where the episode is in the storyline to enjoy it.

Supernatural — “ScoobyNatural” — Image Number: SN1316a_0085b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Misha Collins as Castiel, Jared Padalecki as Sam and Jensen Ackles as Dean — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — é 2018 The CW Network, LLC All Rights Reserved
The episode opens with Dean and Sam in a pawn shop, tussling with some kind of possessed dinosaur plushie? I don’t know but I already love this episode. It looks like they’ve decided to completely embrace the fun from minute one and it works. The pawn shop owner is so grateful he offers the Winchesters’ anything in his store for free. Sam graciously declines, but Dean sees an opportunity, and off they go with a flat screen tv. Oh Dean. My baby never disappoints. We were also briefly introduced to the pawn shop owner’s neighbor, who owns lots of property in the area and looks like a grade A creeper. I’m calling it. He’s so the villain.
Back in the bunker, Sam is stumped because he can’t figure out what kind of cursed object could physically attack people. But Dean is over it and suggests Sam make like Elsa and let it go. I love him so much. He’s so proud of himself and it’s just the cutest thing ever. Dean tells Sam he has something important to show him. He leads him down the hall and into the “Dean Cave!” Well, the name is a work in progress but Dean’s man cave definitely is not. It’s got foosball, a bar, a jukebox, two matching La-Z Boys, and the new tv. Dean turns it on with much fanfare and the screen begins to shimmer purple, similar to the plushie’s eyes, and suddenly, Dean and Sam are pulled into the tv.
They freak out when they realize they’re in a cartoon. Dean wonders if this is the work of the Trickster, but Sam reminds him that he’s dead. Or is he, asks Dean, and he doesn’t know how right he is. And look, Baby is there too! They hop in and start driving and pull up beside a familiar van in a diner parking lot. That’s when they realize they’re not just in any cartoon, they’re in Scooby Doo! Dean exclaims that no matter where their dad took them as kids, there was always a tv and Scooby Doo was always on. The Scooby Gang does the same thing that Sam and Dean do, and they’re their role models.
Dean is fangirling so hard, and calling dibs on Daphne, and I am loving it. Sam seemingly has no love for Scooby and the gang though, and even calls Scooby Marmaduke. Dean is offended but insists they have to play along to get out of there.
Dean introduces them to the gang, and they’re told they’re celebrating Scooby inheriting a million dollars from a colonel he saved from drowning in a fishing pond. Fred agrees to let the Winchesters tag along on their new mystery, and Dean finally gets to do something I’m sure he’s always wanted to do. He eats the biggest sandwich ever in one bite with Scooby and Shaggy. His thorough enjoyment of this is making me so happy.
On their way out, Dean challenges Fred to a race, and Sam wonders why he hates Fred so much. Dean has very valid reasons: he thinks he’s so cool, his perfect hair, his can-do attitude, and his stupid ascot. And hilariously, the Mystery Van literally leaves Sam and Dean choking on dust, and Dean shouting an anguished “FRED!”. This episode is amazing.
Still moping about his loss, Dean perks up when he recognizes which episode they’re in. Inside, they listen to the reading of the will, which requires Scooby and the other beneficiaries to spend the night in the haunted mansion to claim their inheritance. Sam scoffs about how ridiculous it is. Velma pipes in that it happens all the time, and when Sam starts to retort that it only happens in cartoons, Dean cuts him off. He tells Sam that the Scooby Gang doesn’t know they’re cartoons, and they’re not going to ruin it. They’re pure, innocent and good and that’s how it’s gonna stay. Sam asks why they can’t just skip to the end since Dean knows how it ends, but Dean insists it’s about the journey, not the destination. Sam says it’s about Daphne and Dean tells him not to ruin this for him.
I am loving how into this Dean is, and how over it Sam is. I’m kinda excited to see if he gets sucked into the innocent fun of the adventure. They already know who the villain is, because, well, he is super obvious and Dean’s seen this episode a million times. Something tells me there will be a bit of twist this time around.

Supernatural — “ScoobyNatural” — Image Number: SN1316c_0008.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Fred, Daphne, Scooby, Shaggy, Dean, Velma and Sam — Photo: The CW — é 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
They head to bed and Dean’s decked out in a sleeping robe that feels like he’s wrapped in hugs. Daphne thinks the new guys are kinda groovy but Velma thinks Sam’s a big dumb lug. Daphne suggests those are her type and Velma blushes. Ha! Velma’s crushing on Sam! Me too, girl, me too.
Dean’s stuffing his face and tells Sam what’s about to happen. But not so much. Instead of Cousin Simple disappearing, he’s super stabbed to death, freaking everyone out. We get a fun moment of everyone saying their catchphrases: Jinkies! Jeepers! Zoinks! Ruh-Roh! Sonuvabitch! Fred has a distinctly casual reaction, which disgusts Sam. After declaring he’d take a bullet for Scooby, Dean and the gang head to the library where a spooky figure appears in the window.