It’s time for another spoiler review for NBC’s Good Girls, the series we’re not only obsessed with but also obsessed with giving you clues to upcoming episodes! Check out what’s to come in the new episode “You Have Reached the Voicemail of Leslie Peterson” airing March 17, 2019.
Good Girls Preview: You Have Reached the Voicemail of Leslie Peterson
Last episode was a whirlwind with Nancy busting Greg and Annie, Stan forgiving Ruby for her crimes when he realized she saved their family, Beth being unable to kill a man and tired of trying to keep all of her lies straight, and Rio wanting to be her teacher. This week promises to be just as amazing as last, and I can guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed.

Leslie didn’t keep his word to the girls and staged an attack against himself to make sure that the FBI could keep him safe. But that’s the thing with a man like Leslie, he seems to think he’s above reproach, above the law, and above consequences to his actions. Unfortunately for him, he crosses the line with one Good Girl and this time, he’s not getting away with it. Who, what, when, where, why, you’ll just have to see. The lead-up is emotional and maybe even painful, so have some tissues ready.

Stan has forgiven Ruby and they’re on the mend. He has finally come to the realization that despite her actions, his wife is still the woman he married and understands her more. However, just because her husband has forgiven her doesn’t mean that she’s out of the clear. This episode brings more secrets that she’s keeping from Stan and even a confession or two.

Annie is struggling. She’s struggling with the choices she’s made, the choices she will have to make, and guilt from that comes from an unexpected source. You’ve Reached The Voicemail of Leslie Peterson is tough on her and shows a much more emotional side from the blonde who wants so badly to be emotionless.

Beth tries her hardest to continue juggling being a boss bitch and a loving mother of four. When a problem with her son arises she struggles to see the root of the issue while also worrying about everything else she’s done. It’s not easy when you have both the angel and devil on your shoulders.
· “Like a pheasant.”
· “I did something really bad.”
· “I love her. I don’t love you.”
· “Annie. Don’t!”
· “The playground don’t get any easier.”
· “What are you doing here?”
· “Look alive or lose a finger.”
Who said what? Let the guesses begin! Watch Good Girls on NBC Sundays at 10/9c.
Omg now I need to be sunday, like, ASAP! Your words about how this whole Boomer thing is gonna be pretty emontional to the person who is gonna deal with him got me rly curious and anxious to know who is gonna kill the bastard and what happens next. Also, poor ANnie,I didn’t watch the episode yet but I wanna give her a hug already!