This week’s episode of The 100 — ‘Children of Gabriel’ — wasn’t as strong as last week’s, but it was still solid. The episode managed to drop hints about upcoming arcs which unfortunately led to no answers, instead raising several more questions that I can’t help but obsess over.
As I do here, my reviews for The 100 will be broken into three main categories — Things I Loved, The “Meh” Things and Things I Didn’t Like. I have also added two additional categories as the episodes call for them with Honorable Mentions and Theories. Let’s dive in.
[This review contains spoilers for the “Children of Gabriel” episode of The 100.]
The 100 Review: “Children of Gabriel”
Season 6, Episode 3 | Airdate: May 14, 2019
Directed by: Dean White | Written by: Drew Lindo
Things I Loved
JR Bourne Is A Snack: That’s it. That’s the entire sentence.
Delilah and Jordan*: They were adorable! I’m not typically a fan of instant romances but I’ll make an exception in this case. Jordan’s awkward flirting with a pretty girl that he sees as a princess was a joy to watch. It offered a light-hearted layer to a show that’s typically all pain and suffering all of the time. It’s scenes and moments like this that create a balance that The 100 has been lacking in previous seasons and I hope that this trend continues. Having Murphy offer to help Jordan with his game was a nice added touch as well. We got to see Jordan’s first kiss! And almost his first time before they were so very rudely interrupted.
Diyoza: This woman. So far there has been nothing this woman can do to make me un-stan her. Here she is, six months pregnant and still a flipping genius.
Not only does she call out the ridiculousness of the Flame being in Madi-a big mood that we will get to later-but she also is consistently aware and observant of her surroundings, managing to take out a man with a single knife throw while he was camouflaged in the underbrush. More than that, as she sees Madi and Gaia get hit by the paralytic darts, she too goes down as if she’s been hit when in reality, it simply hit her vest. Let’s give the woman some credit for lying still for literal hours, not moving, while pregnant. We stan for a reason!
Finally, after Octavia attacks who we now know are the Children of Gabriel she not only leg swipes them, she shoots them dead. Phew. Ultimately she is unwelcome in Sanctum for her past actions-rude-so she’s forced to leave. Her parting words to Madi, “It’s okay, Kid. Stay frosty.” was a nice touch.
DOG!: Fans have wanted a dog on this show for years and we finally got one! Kill her and I will probably burn all of twitter to ground.
Clarke: There’s so much to love about Clarke in any given episode but the two main highlights for me were her refusing to bow before Russell and her very own Cinderella moment.
Hearing Russell’s wife Simone demand that Clarke speak to Russell in a certain manner and bow before him and Clarke’s raised eyebrow and “I don’t think so.” Legendary. And then, of course, when we finally got to see her all clean and cute and pretty in pink descending the stairs and having everyone react-Miller’s smile and nod like, “Yeah gurl” was the best-was another one of those lovely light-hearted moments that I hope we continue to see as the season progresses. It was clear that she wasn’t entirely comfortable in the get-up because she’s never gotten the chance to be fancy and girly. Something tells me that the Ark didn’t have too many dresses at their disposal, even for the privileged.
The Meh Things
Predictability: After Clarke’s fancy dinner where Russell and Simone refuse to let her and the others to stay in Sanctum it seemed obvious that Clarke was going to prove to them that they should be allowed to. It was obvious that she would somehow save someone to prove their worth. And that’s exactly how it played out. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, TV shows do typically follow some sort of formula.
The Blakes: I’m not actually “meh” on the Blakes and their relationship. I actually have very strong feelings about it. I think Bellamy is right and until Octavia can accept responsibility for the things that she’s done and maybe get her empathy back there’s too much damage to be undone. There’s no doubt that Octavia loves Bellamy. She does. But for several seasons now that love has become increasingly toxic.

It’s arguable that the Blake’s relationship has been toxic since Octavia’s birth with Aurora giving a six year old full responsibility over his sibling, thrusting him in to a parental role instead of one as a sibling. Over the course of the series, Bellamy has made bad choices and decisions. Season four created a hell of a redemption arc for him that he still had to fight for every step of the way and Octavia still didn’t forgive him for what she considered him killing Lincoln.
In Episode 603, Bellamy tells O that his sister died a long time ago which was a good callback to season four when she told him that “his sister died when Lincoln did.” However, with Bellamy leaving Octavia outside of the ship and outside of Sanctum and to her own devices, I have a feeling that I know where this is going, which we’ll get in to down in the theories section. Because I think I know where it’s heading I put them in the “Meh” section until the story plays out and I can see if I’m right or not.
Abby: Abby is another character that I’m not truly “meh” about but I had to move her off honorable mentions and while she has her moments, I don’t love her and I don’t not like her. There is still some residual irritation that she spent all of season five cracked out of her mind and she’s now miraculously better. I don’t like that. A miracle pill is not a redemption arc.
She says that she’s taken responsibility for what she’s done and that she’s sorry but she still blames Octavia every chance she gets. I need more from this character before I can give her another chance. (Also, “Marcus was the diplomat, not me.” Bish. You were literally on the council on the Ark and the Chancellor at one point. Come on, now.)