Days of our Lives had a week of strong performances as storylines ramp up for the summer. This is the Days of our Lives week in review for July 22, 2019.
Jack and Eve
After waiting or almost a year for Jack to see the light, we have been blessed with some amazing performances from Matthew Ashford and Kassie DePaiva. The fallout is far from over, but the scenes when Jack realized that Eve had been using him from the beginning were some of the best of the week. When Jack went after Eve, saying that she uses her daughter’s death to gain sympathy and it sounded rehearsed? Wow. Was it a low blow? Maybe. But don’t tell me Eve didn’t have it coming. When Eve said she was going to destroy the real serum so Jack would never remember? Yikes! No one does petty bitch like DePaiva.
Eve keeps saying that she loves Jack. Does she? Maybe. I don’t think Eve has ever had a healthy relationship in her whole life. I think the only way she knows how to love is to honestly burn it all down until there is nothing left. She did it with Brady, with Paige, and now with Jack. I wonder what they are going to do with Eve now. Maybe have her go back to being with Brady? Is the end in sight for Eve Donovan Deveraux? I honestly hope not. Days doesn’t have enough villains on the canvas. Make her bad. All bad. No grey areas. We haven’t had a vixen on the show in a long time and she can fill that role.
Was I the only one who was kind of hoping Kristen would throw Susan back in the freezer? Yes? Okay. I must admit the scenes where Kristen had Susan convinced that she was Moira who had a case of The Thorn Birds had me dying. I loved the Penelope shout out as well! Who says Ron doesn’t know his history? Also, Marlena’s face when she saw Susan? I was screaming. Dee has the best facial features in daytime and she knows how to use them. Maggie sipping on her tea? Dead. Please bring me more of these kinds of interactions, Days. This is the kind of soap that can get away with it and needs it desperately.
Kristen and Xander have all types of weird “I’ll kill you, but I want to fuck you” chemistry. If you aren’t going to give me Xander and Sarah, can I have Xander and Kristen? I know, I know. But let a girl have some hope, yeah?
Arianne Zucker and Eric Martsolf still have TONS of chemistry. I know that I am supposed to not be rooting for Kristen to get her man, but the actors sure make it damn hard. Especially now that Zucker is out of Greg Vaughn’s (Eric) orbit for all intents and purposes for right now. I understand that if (when) Kristen eventually lures Brady into “Nicole’s” bed it can and should be construed as rape. I just wish that if they were going to go down that murky route, they had picked two actors who don’t shine like these two.
I really don’t enjoy much about this Kate and Ted thing, but Lani was the highlight of it this week. I adore Lani when she gets into detective mode and Sal Sowers plays it perfectly. She’s just the right amount of badass and sass that I like to see my strong female leads have. She doesn’t take any bullshit and uses her brain. Hopefully we will see more of her as a cop and not just as a daughter or fiancée (Not that we really have seen much of that in the past few months).
Kate and Ted having to get their stories straight AGAIN just irritated me. Leaving voicemails for each other that sound shady as hell and basically saying anything in the earshot of anyone. I get that it’s a soap, but it aggravates me. That and this storyline is 90% flashbacks of shit that happened two weeks ago. We get it! Kristen will kill you and your family and everyone you care about. WE KNOW!
I must admit that I actually see the chemistry between Sarah and Eric. They’re not my first choice, but they aren’t my last choice either, but I just really want this triangle to be over with. Rex is just so fucking clueless it kills me. He might be the dumbest character on the show right now and that’s saying something. Again, how can he not see what is right in front of his face? The longing looks they give each other, the way he always walks in when they are having a close moment? The first red flag should have been the fact that she married him in the first place, not even a year after she found out he put a baby in another woman and slept with her sister.
I just wish Sarah would open her mouth. I wanted to slap Eric when he told Sarah that she needed to be a good wife to Rex. To Rex? Seriously? Xander’s shade of Rex was giving me life. “As opposed to watching women you can cheat on Sarah with?” El oh fucking el, man. Xander’s right, Sarah. Don’t say he didn’t warn you.
Roman was right when he said that ever since Daniel’s death, Eric has taken the blame for a million things he doesn’t need to be taking the blame for. For once in your life Eric, don’t fight it. Just go for what you want.
It’s not that I have a problem with this story, but I have a problem with this story. My first thought was, “Why Haley?” Why not Ciara who had been tied to that fucking bed in that fucking cabin two different times? Who had been almost fried twice?
But then I realized this isn’t the problem.
The problem is her reasons for not getting help. She knows she has a problem. That’s usually the hardest part, the admission. But she won’t get help because it could affect her job? Her path to citizenship? It was documented that she went through a horrible situation and I’m assuming that what Claire did at the Horton cabin was also part of Claire’s confession? I just don’t see how that would affect anything. She could go speak to Marlena about a myriad of things and Marlena wouldn’t and legally couldn’t say anything unless Hayley was a threat to herself or others, which isn’t the case.
Not to mention Tripp getting prescription medication to give to Haley. Tranquilizers? Did y’all see the way she was swaying in Friday’s episode?
Yeah, this is going to end badly.
Stefan & Gabi

I am here for Mr. and Mrs. Stefan O. DiMera. Gabriella Hernandez DiMera is going to be a powerhouse against Kristen and I cannot wait! Did you guys see Stefan’s face when he realized that he had to marry Gabi? I get why it isn’t his first choice. He’s hasn’t convinced himself that he’s in love with her and the last time he got married it didn’t end well. But damn it, I’m here for Gabi to get her revenge only to realize that it’s not what she wanted all along.
I just really hope it’s not too late.
Just one thing, though. Can someone explain to me why there is this board for DiMera that makes all the decisions? For the life of me, I can’t remember. Not to mention they are going to have to change that clause that says only a DiMera can run the company because there aren’t that many to go around anymore. At least not until Sydney or Johnny get SORAS’d and sent to Salem to fuck shit up.
I really enjoyed the scenes these three had together this week.
Casey Moss and Ashford have some of the best father/son chemistry on the show. The things they can do with a look is amazing. JJ sure hasn’t forgiven Jack for what he has done, but you can tell there are feelings buried deep down. He loves his father, idolized him, so it’s hard for JJ to see his father become more Trump-like as the months have passed. It was a nice change of pace to have a nice father/son moment between them. There is hope for them to have their relationship back and I’m here for it.
Jack and Jennifer’s scenes had an old school quality to them that I really loved. Their banter back and forth was so reminiscent of their beginning, I wanted to cry. And when Jack didn’t tell Jennifer that he took the serum because she looked so happy about moving on? Ugh, yes please! Jack is still in there!
But man, oh man, that date Jennifer had with Dr. Henry Shaw was so awkward. I get that people think Jen is a catch, but why the hell would he agree to go on a date with her for the third time when the first two were so horrid? Why couldn’t Jennifer have reached out to Eric? Seriously, I would go back to JenEric at this point. They both need to move on, and they had passable chemistry, although it was better when they were both stoned out of their minds.
Hey, you can’t win them all.
See you next week!