The Bold and Beautiful is back on our screens! Thanks to some creative magic with camera angles and stand-ins, fans are able to consume the lives of the Forresters, Spencers and Logans during the pandemic era. This week in review covers August 3-7, 2020.

First let’s start with the news that dropped early in the week: Courtney Hope announced that she has been let go and will no longer be playing Sally. I have a ton of feelings about this and none of them are good, but for word count limitations, I am going to stick with simply, I think that the shows powers that be are making a huge mistake. Courtney is a shining star and Sally has become someone that the audience roots for. There were other choices that could have been made, not to mention any names, but I think most of the viewing audience may know where I am going with that statement so I will let it linger.
Sadly, it seems that Sally’s last episode has already aired and leaves viewers, especially me, with a bad taste in our mouths for what is to come. It is an injustice that Sally’s last scenes were basically begging Wyatt and company for forgiveness after some of them have done equal or in some cases even worse things than faking an illness.
Wyatt and Flo are still a couple, much to my dismay. I’m normally all for lost loves reuniting but I don’t like Flo. I don’t think she is needed, and I feel like she has ruined any love I ever had for Wyatt. Maybe it’s her involvement with the baby switch, maybe it’s because the character has never been fleshed out, I don’t know, I just don’t like her, and I don’t like them as a couple. There is nothing root able about them together. At this point it feels like they are just taking up precious airtime and love scenes, though they are quite dreadful with social distancing restrictions in place, that could be used for people we actually care about.

A big focus this week was on Brooke and Ridge finally getting to the same place and ready to reunite just as Shauna returns to town to announce that she and Ridge got married the night they spent together in Vegas. We all saw it coming. We all know how this story ends also. Brooke and Ridge will end up back together but for now it will be a nice change to see Brooke on the receiving end of heartache. I do need to give props to Thorsten Kaye here because he was the first victim of the blow-up doll kiss that we are going to have to get used to now that Covid is pretty much here to stay. The scene of “Brooke” and Ridge kissing was awkward, but Thorsten was a trooper.
Thomas returned to town this week as well. Along with his mega sexy facial hair. That is a pairing that this viewer would like to stay in for the long haul because holy hell is it a good fit. It seems that our troubled Forrester has had time to reflect and has returned to town a new man. I approve. I hope this means that his obsession with Hope is long gone. His love and devotion to his sister this week was sweet. I love that he is back and taking care of his sister. He has a lot to make up for and I’m looking forward to his redemption story.
My favorite part of the week was Steffy and her flirty interactions with Dr. Handsome, otherwise known as Finn. It has been a long time coming but dare we hope that Steffy finally gets out of the tired triangle she has been in for a decade? Chances are that she will end up right back there at some point but it’s nice to have something to look forward to for a change. Finn appears to be a standup guy, though it’s way too soon to tell of course.
Finn paid his favorite patient, I mean come on she has to be, a house call and the two got to know one another a little bit. They both clearly liked what they saw. This viewer did as well. It’s super convenient that the good doctor also lives very closely to Steffy. The one aspect of this story so far that I am not enjoying is the fact that it’s being written from the point of view that someone in pain is judged for taking pain medication. We all know Hope has her own history with pain medications but for her to sit in judgement of Steffy for needing some help with her own pain management is annoying. Maybe that it’s the way the scene was meant to come across, but it did. The best part of the interactions between Steffy and Finn, was him taking notice of the portrait in her living room and Steffy seemingly embarrassed about it. I hate that portrait and I hope that it’s about to start collecting dust in a closet somewhere. I’m hoping that Finn sweeps Steffy Forrester off her feet. We are off to a good start so far.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Episodes are also available on and CBS All-Access.