We’re back! And by we, I obviously mean Riverdale is back. It’s been a long hiatus between the first half of season five and coming back to the second half. Thank you for joining myself and Allie as we once again ramble on about Riverdale. While usually there’s no rhyme or reason to our stream of conciousness, this time, we actually stayed on topic.

Who knew not actually drinking during a Wine and Whine would help us get through one in less time and and actually sounding cohesive.
Strange Bedfellows, overall, felt good. In a way, it felt like resetting the canvas once more.
There’s some couple shake-ups, some answered questions, I have hope that one day everything that’s being thrown under the rug will boil to the surface, and most importantly BETTY HAS A FRIEND WHO CARES!
Oh, is that only just most important to me? Oh, well.

Click the link below to head over to Podbean (it’s still free!) to listen to Allie and me breakdown the latest episode of Riverdale. In case you didn’t realize, there will be spoilers. Make sure to tell us what you think in the comments or hit us up on Twitter @TVSource.
Riverdale airs on The CW Wednesday’s at 8/7c