Greenlee and Ryan get closer, but she’s determined to marry David anyway and reclaim her life.
Pulse Poll Rankings for Wk. of 2/8/10: Rebecca Budig placed #4 for Favorite Actress! Jake & Amanda placed #4 for Favorite Couple.
Don’t forget to vote for your favorite actor, actress, and couple in the Pulse Poll beginning at 4pm!
Ryan eavesdrops as Greenlee pours her heart out to Jake. Ryan and Greenlee enjoy being together. Greenlee’s touched when Ryan remembers her birthday. Ryan lets Greenlee go, but remains confident they’ll get back together soon. Erica sees red when she reads a memo from Greenlee ousting her from Fusion. Erica informs Jack she has no intention of walking away from Fusion. Greenlee explains to David why they must get married. Erica overhears David telling Greenlee that they will take her down. Jake and Ryan think they can use Gayle to destroy David.
Afraid he won’t be around for Little A’s upcoming sixth birthday, JR suggests they celebrate early. Little A thinks he needs a more grown up name now and everyone decides to start calling him AJ. JR asks Tad to always play a role in AJ’s life the same way he did for him when he was growing up. Adam explains that he had a one night stand many years ago that resulted in the woman having a son but she didn’t tell him and when he finally did learn what happened, the woman didn’t want Adam to have any contact with the boy. Adam tells Tad to speed up the search for Sonia Reyes. Tad tells Adam he’s tracked down Sonia Reyes’s son Miguel.
Adam comes upon Annie holding a tire iron. Scott’s arrival snaps Annie out of a trance. Scott confronts Colby who admits she’s responsible, but remains unremorseful. Adam reads Scott, Annie and Colby the riot act, accusing Colby of sabotaging Annie and Scott for having a thing for Annie. Annie suggests to Adam that he name her Editor in Chief at Tempo. Annie doesn’t like the fact that Brooke English is back in town. Damon apologizes to Liza for committing the burglaries and lying to her. Liza promises to stand by Damon. Everyone is relieved when a donor is found for JR. Tad and Adam are thrilled to see Brooke. Adam awaits for the arrival of Miguel. Angie and Jesse make love. Angie is worried about Frankie.
Jesse convinces Angie they need some time alone on Monday, February 22
Erica lays it out for David on Tuesday, February 23
Annie lies to Brooke on Wednesday, February 24
Erica and Greenlee clash on Thursday, February 25
JR’s condition turns for the worst on Friday, February 26

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