SoapsTV News

'The Strongest Will Survive' Says Brian Frons


With the wounds from All My Children and One Life to Live‘s cancellation still fresh, you’d think ABC Daytime President Brian Frons would be a little more sensitive when speaking about the demise of two more soaps under his watch. This isn’t the case.


In an interview with, the controversial network exec spoke rather honestly about why AMC and OLTL were cancelled, and what’s in store for GH’s future. Of the many things he said, “It’s like any other genre on TV, the strongest will survive. Right now we’re down to the last few that are still strong and viable and economically sound.”

Here are more highlights:

Is there still a place for soaps?
I think the soap operas that are strong, “The Young and the Restless” on CBS and “General Hospital” on ABC still have a good place in the hearts.

Can you make any commitment to keep “General Hospital” on the air?
As long as we have good ratings it will stay in the lineup.

Some fans will almost definitely lobby to get these shows back on the air. Is there any way that will happen?
No. We really spent a lot of time learning from our success with “The View,” talking to viewers about what they’re looking for and we have tremendous respect for the passion of our serial fans but we’re at a point with these two shows as much as they’ve done for the network and as much as we appreciate them. Their time here has come to an end and we’re going to spend our efforts trying to make a success out of the two new shows The Chew and The Revolution which are in genres that as we talk to viewers they want more of. They’re looking for more information and more talk in their daytime viewing.

For more of Fron’s interview, which includes expectations for the new shows, how the network will examine GH’s ratings and more, visit

Editor’s POV: Brian Frons has made it clear over the years that he feels he knows what we want best. If that was the case, we wouldn’t have two of our favorite soaps canned. If we want more talk and information in our daytime viewing, we’ll watch the Food Network or the Cooking Channel or Oprah’s Network or WE or Oxygen…get the point? There are other options out there, this isn’t for daytime. As my friend MarkHsoap pointed out on Twitter, “How is #GH more economically viable than #AMC or #OLTL? Same # viewers, MARGINALLY better 18-49 viewership.” That’s the question we all want to know…

Ryan White-Nobles
Ryan White-Nobles is Editor-in-Chief of TV Source Magazine. He's began covering entertainment and soap operas in 2005. In 2009 he co-launched Soap Opera Source, and led the TV Source rebrand in 2012. He's a natural #Heel who loves a spirited debate and probably watches too much TV. Follow him on Twitter at @SourceRyan to discuss all things TV, soaps, sports, wrestling and pop culture.

ABC Cancels ‘All My Children’ and ‘One Life to Live’

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