Moira is going on trial for her life in the next episode of Arrow, but she won’t be the only person in mortal danger. The Count (Seth Gabel) has escaped from prison just as a mystery illness begins to move through the city. What’s the connection?
In “State v. Queen,” Oliver learns that Vertigo is back on the streets after Dig falls ill and a blood test reveals the drug in his system. But he’s not the only victim. Adam Donner (Dylan Bruce), the ADA who is prosecuting Moira, collapses in court, leaving Laurel to try the case against her ex-boyfriend’s mother.
Oliver can’t be in two places at once so he’s having a hard time balancing his desire to stand by his family and his duty to stop the Count from hurting more people. But the decision is taken out of his hands when Felicity ends up walking into a trap set by the madman.
Arrow airs Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 8/7c on The CW.
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