We can’t help feeling a little Déjà vu over that headline. It was only a few weeks ago that we were asking a similar question as we waited for the 100th episode of The Vampire Diaries to air. Katherine survived death by jumping into Elena’s body, but what will happen now that everyone knows the truth?
Katherine’s life is not the only one hanging in the balance in “Gone Girl.” Nadia will begin to suffer the effects of Tyler’s hybrid bite and she will remember her long search for Katherine over the years. Will Katherine find a way to make peace with her daughter before it’s too late?
Meanwhile, Stefan, Caroline and Matt work together to find a way to bring Elena back and Bonnie and Jeremy turn to Liv for help once more. But if history has taught us anything on this show, we know that nothing is ever as simple as it seems and Bonnie will learn a terrifying secret that could hurt her friends. Our guess is that it’s tied to traveler magic.
Speaking of travelers, Damon makes a break from captivity after goading Tyler into a confrontation and he targets Dr. Wes. Even though we’d be more than happy to see the not-so-good doctor die a painful death, we really hope we’ll get some answers as to why he’s been working with the travelers first. Also, is there a way to fix Damon’s newfound hunger without a stake?
Check out the gallery below and then hit the comments and share your thoughts and theories with us. Are you looking forward to the episode? Will Katherine find another way to cheat death?
- Blake Tyers/The CW
- Blake Tyers/The CW
- Blake Tyers/The CW
- Blake Tyers/The CW
- Blake Tyers/The CW
- Blake Tyers/The CW
- Blake Tyers/The CW
- Tina Rowden/The CW
- Tina Rowden/The CW
- Tina Rowden/The CW
- Tina Rowden/The CW
- Tina Rowden/The CW
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday, March 6 at 8/7c on The CW.