Chad Radwell, Hester Ulrich, and Denise Hemphill make their return in the newest episode of Fox’s Scream Queens, ‘Warts and All’. Spoilers ahead!
The episode opens to the investigation after The Green Meanie sliced poor Catherine’s (formerly Werewolf Girl) head right off and onto Chanel #5’s locked hydrotherapy tank. Number 5 is thankfully alive and well, only to be the prime suspect in Catherine’s murder. We also discover that Catherine’s body is missing and the only her head was left. Number 5 tells the detective there’s no way she could have done it and that there is a killer on the loose. Chanel Oberlin and Chanel #3 agree that Number 5 killed Catherine because she was jealous they got asked out by Brock and Cassidy. And in the fastest murder investigation ever, the detective rules the evidence is inconclusive and tells Number 5 “no more made up stories that aren’t that scary.”

SCREAM QUEENS: in the all-new “Warts and All” episode of SCREAM QUEENS airing Tuesday, Sep. 27 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Cr: Michael Becker / FOX. © 2016 FOX Broadcasting Co.
The next day Tyler (Colton Haynes), a new patient to the C.U.R.E. Institute, is seeking help for his genetic condition which has caused growths all over his body. Chanel charmingly asks if he’s “ever tried to pop them” is a treatment available but it requires an expensive CO2 laser which the hospital doesn’t have and Tyler can’t afford to go somewhere that does. Later we see Chanel #5 getting close with Tyler and she tells him that she will find the money for the laser. She even makes him a fundraising video set to Sarah McLachlan. That’s true love right there. But in all seriousness, nothing ever goes right for Number 5 so I wish her and Tyler nothing but happiness. Unfortunately, that definitely won’t happen.
Next, Chanel and Brock are finally able to go on their date to the movies. This is where things are starting to get freaky with Dr. Brock Holt and his mysterious transplanted hand. He puts his arm around Chanel and his hand seems to have a mind of its own. First grabbing at Chanel then taking Twizzlers from the guy sitting behind them. Chanel thinks Brock is imitating a person in the movie with an “out-of-control hand.” Brock says he is because that’s a way easier answer than saying his hand is actually possessed. Of course, Chanel is weirdly turned on by this and they start kissing.

SCREAM QUEENS: Emma Roberts in the all-new “Warts and All” episode of SCREAM QUEENS airing Tuesday, Sep. 27 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Cr: Michael Becker / FOX. © 2016 FOX Broadcasting Co.
After her date, Chanel is stuck working the graveyard shift at the hospital. She hears screaming and goes to find the source when The Red Devil appears! No worries, it’s only Chad Radwell who wants Chanel back. Fun fact: apparently Chad was also The Red Devil that appeared near Chanel’s bed at the asylum in the final moments of Season One. We then find out the screaming was coming from Chad’s friend Randall who is diagnosed with a condition where he screams uncontrollably. Later, we see Randall receiving treatment at the hospital but he is still very easily scared.
Meanwhile, Zayday and Chamberlain are researching the hospital when they find a genuinely disturbing newspaper article. Another hospital party turns into a straight up massacre of the staff courtesy of The Green Meanie. Even more disturbing – no one was arrested and they never found the person who did it. Then Ingrid Hoffel shows up out of nowhere asking Zayday for detailed information about the Chanels’s schedules, just normal stuff like “where they are during the day” and “when they are alone.” Zayday is definitely suspicious and refuses to help Hoffel.
Brock and Chad are taking showers in the employee locker room, which is weird considering Chad is not employed at the hospital. His reasoning: “I like to stay fresh in case emergency sex pops up.” Because that’s normal. Eventually, they both end up in the same shower stall, “I think our wieners touched accidentally,” where Chad invites Brock to a game of squash ball to see who should really be with Chanel. This has to be the longest and strangest shower scene I have ever seen.
Zayday and Chamberlain then confront Munsch about what they found in the hospital archives and how it could help to find the killer, but Munsch is preoccupied with her own secret. Munsch has been having symptoms including horrible headaches, joint pain, night sweats, and abnormal gait. She tells them that she started the hospital to save her own life and find out what condition she has. I’m not sure I believe that Munsch is actually suffering from some sort of condition, but more to come on this later. Next, we see Munsch walking down a dark hallway with lights flickering. Suddenly The Green Meanie appears and attacks Munsch who fights back with a rolled piece of paper. How is that even possible?! Munsch gets the machete out of reach of The Green Meanie and is about to unmask the killer when Chanel #3 and Cassidy show up and distract her. The elevator dings and the killer is gone.

SCREAM QUEENS: Lea Michele. Cr: Tommy Garcia / FOX. © 2016 Fox Broadcasting Co.
Munsch enlists the help of Denise Hemphill who tells her to “get in the mind of the killer.” Easier said than done, I think. They bring along Chanel and Number 3 to the insane asylum where my favorite killer is being kept in a glass cased cell. Welcome back, Hester! Hester already knows about the recent attacks, the green slime the killer leaves behind, and how it all connects to the 1986 Halloween party. “The clues are right in front of your face.” In exchange for her help, she wants outdated beauty products and to be transferred to a room with a view at the C.U.R.E. Institute.
Good news for Tyler and all his body growths – Chanel got Chad to pay for the laser. Why? Tyler proved to Chanel that looks didn’t matter since he was willing to date Number 5. This backward Chanel logic declares Number 5 the ugly one in this relationship, but all is well because Tyler can finally receive treatment.
With the help of a private investigator, Chad learns that Brock’s hand was the hand of amazing squash ball player who also was a notorious serial killer. When Chad confronts Brock about his secret, Brock is practicing new techniques on a cadaver. “So now you know my secret, what are you going to do about it?” Chad responds, “Oh, you’ll find out.” Then Brock stabs the poor cadaver out of rage.

SCREAM QUEENS: L-R: Glen Powell and John Stamos in the all-new “Warts and All” episode of SCREAM QUEENS airing Tuesday, Sep. 27 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Cr: Michael Becker / FOX. © 2016 FOX Broadcasting Co.
Back in the library, Zayday and Chamberlain finally make sense of Munsch’s symptoms. They tell Munsch that she has kuru, which is actually a real disease that cannibals get. Munsch contracted the disease after traveling to New Guinea for her book tour where she went to a fantastic party which turned out to be a funeral. There, she unknowingly ate contaminated brain tissue which was also “the most delicious thing” she has even eaten. Yum. Zayday tells her she has less than a year to live because there is no cure. At the end of the scene, we see a spy bug planted on the underside of Munsch’s desk with Ingrid Hoffel listening in. I’m still not convinced any of this is true because she can’t really be killed off this show right? Munsch can also be very deceptive, so it’s possible she has an ulterior motive.
Tyler and Number 5 are FaceTiming and decide to go right ahead and define their relationship: boyfriend and girlfriend. How sweet. An off-screen person tells Tyler his surgery has been pushed up and they were going to take him to the operating room. Number 5 is confused and asks Chanel and Number 3 what was going on. Turns out, Tyler’s surgery couldn’t have been moved because Brock and Cassidy were at home having a “handsome contest.” The Chanels run to save him but they were too late. So yeah, Tyler was taken into surgery by The Green Meanie who lasered him to death. “Ladies, we have another serial killer on our hands.”
Scream Queens returns in two weeks with more Hester, Chanel Oberlin possibly getting married, and Cassidy revealing the secret that he’s really dead. Looks like we’re in for another great episode!
What did you think of ‘Warts and All’?