Days of Our Lives had a lot of what wasn’t my brand of silliness this last week. It really sucks because I feel like the week prior was actually solid entertainment. This last week was a bit difficult to get through – and it was a short week! That short week ushered out the end of May, bringing us to June and even closer to new head writer material. We’re finally in the home stretch!
Let’s check out some of my picks and pans from this last week on Days of Our Lives for episodes airing May 29 – June 2, 2017
Days of our Lives Week in Review: Picks of the Week
How Stella Got Her Groove Back
Adrienne Johnson made a return to our screens this last week and she was – well, frustrated. On top of some work drama (which I’ll get into next), she was feeling kind of backed up. I enjoyed seeing her confide in sister-in-law Kayla Johnson about her desire for intimacy. Her recovery from breast cancer has been going well but she’s been playing it safe sexually with Lucas Horton. But she’s done playing now!
Like most DAYS fans, I’m still not sold on the pairing of Lucas and Adrienne. For me, both characters feel like they hail from completely different generations then there’s that pesky issue of their sons were once married. I enjoyed them much more as friends, not as lovers. I think why I can enjoy them as friends though is because they have a really good natural chemistry but I can’t see them as a couple – because we’ve hardly seen them as a couple. Most of Lucas and Adrienne’s romance happened off screen, viewers only ever seem to be invited into their private lives at the climax of the story instead of going along for the whole trip.
This storyline was almost a pan for me because of that very reason. Judi Evans’ portrayal of Adrienne battling cancer was powerful but it was also quick. This show will spend weeks on mysterious deserted island mosquito born diseased but when a real life medical tragedy occurs, we have to watch a few scenes a week before it vanishes into thin air.
But I digress! No matter how I feel about the couple itself or how they’re highlighted (or not highlighted) on the show, the fact that DAYS actually went ahead and showed these scenes was such a good move on their part. Women who have undergone a mastectomy often find it hard to jump back into intimacy with a significant other, even if the urge is there! And we know Adrienne clearly had some itches that needed scratching but she was playing it cautious. I loved that Lucas didn’t try to talk her out of it but he did try to talk her down, to make sure that Adrienne was doing this for the right reasons. It was such an admirable Lucas thing to do.
I appreciate any bit of depth DAYS is trying to give us in these dark times. Though it irks me that these scenes could have been better, more fleshed out with time. I appreciated them for what they were – kind of cute.
My Sister’s Keeper
Probably my favorite bit of this last week came in the form of Steve Johnson on the case for his little sister. Adrienne came to Patch about a mysterious man named Sebastian Howard, head of something hilariously called Snow Globe Inc. According to Adrienne, she and Jennifer Horton needed a few extra bucks to buy the Salem Spectator and took out a loan – unfortunately, the bank sold that loan to this snow globe seller and now he’s calling the loan in. He wants the Salem Spectator and badly. Only problem is, no one knows who he is or what his company is either.
Immediately I was intrigued by this storyline set up, not just because there seems to be an actual mystery around it but because it’s already utilizing family ties. Remember when Patch first came back to town recently and shared no scenes with Adrienne? We’ve been seeing more of them interacting now which makes me wonder if this is some of the new filler material shot to ease the transition from Higley to Carlivati.

Victor backs up Justin and the board’s decision to kick Deimos out of Titan. (JPI)
There are a few theories to this Sebastian Howard mystery that add to the intrigue. We all know from spoilers that Morgan Fairchild will hit Salem soon as the new Anjelica Deveraux, a longtime enemy of Adrienne. But now that Adrienne no longer has Justin Kiriakis, why would this woman even be thinking of ruining Adrienne’s life by taking away her livelihood? It’s been decades now; their feud is most likely cooled by now, right? Not to mention Adrienne has always seemed close to Alexander Kiriakis, Anjelica’s son, of whom she’s always spoken happily of to Sonny Kiriakis. Could Alexander be behind this obvious alias? Does he actually have a grudge against his step-mother that he’s hidden for years? Not likely.
One interesting theory a DAYS fan crafted that this may actually be Jack Deveraux back from the dead, looking to jump back into his news career. Once again, farfetched but still possible! We know Anjelica is returning to the canvas with two characters in tow, one will be her son but who’s the other? Could all three of these characters be behind this Spectator buyout?
Another really great factor to this story is that Steve is sharing it all with Kayla! Remember how disappointed fans were when Kayla continuously berated Steve for taking on dangerous missions when we’ve seen her along for many of those rides. Now the two of them are actually working as team, Kayla giving her husband little pep talks or picking his brain whenever he feels stuck. I liked how she didn’t even have to guess that Steve had run into a wall while digging for info on Howard; he simply poured it all out there because he knew she saw through him. Such a cute moment for these partners in crime.