
General Hospital Spoilers: November 6-10, 2017

Photo courtesy ABC

In General Hospital spoilers for the week of November 6, 2017: Jason searches for answers to The Jasoning; Nelle plays with fire; Patient 6 is disgusted by what he learns; Alexis gets news about Julian.

General Hospital Spoilers: Franco Holds the Answers the Jasons Seek

Determined to prove to those doubting his identity, Jason (Billy Miller) enlists Curtis to help him prove what he already knows — he is the real Jason Morgan. When a text message from Curtis reveals to Sam and Jason that Franco is in possession of Andrew’s death certificate, the Morgans head to confront their enemy. Unbeknownst to them all, Franco (thanks to Dr. Maddox) knows the identities of the Jasons — who is Jason and who is Andrew—and has no desire to divulge that tidbit anytime soon! For Franco the motivations are clear — knowledge is power, and power protects himself, and the life he’s built with Elizabeth.

Speaking of Elizabeth, she’s shaken when she goes to the PCPD and comes face to face with Patient 6 (Steve Burton). It’s a surreal moment that quickly becomes emotional when the subject of Jake comes up. With familiarity setting in, does Elizabeth believe Patient 6 is the real Jason Morgan? Furthermore, does Sam believe her husband is the real Jason?

Ghosts of Julexis Past


Alexis has spent the past couple of months trying to move past her tumultuous history with ex-husband Julian, and for the most part it’s worked. But when Scotty Baldwin passes along info about her incarcerated former beau, Julian is all Alexis can think of. Though Diane advises against it, Alexis decided to pay her ex a visit at Pentonville. How will Alexis react when she faces Julian for the first time in months? And what does Alexis learn that had her seeking out Ava’s help?

Also This Week

  • Monica makes her intentions clear.
  • Maxie is dismissive.
  • Nathan comforts an emotional Amy.
  • Anna is rejected.
  • Michael opens up to Sonny.
  • Cassandra sets her sights on Nina in an effort to control Valentin.
  • Carly is torn.
  • Patient 6 counts his losses.

Source Sneak Peek: November 13, 2017 Edition

Lulu has exciting news; Ava gets under Franco’s skin; Anna learns the truth. Scott defends his actions. Patient 6 makes one last passionate plea.

Ryan White-Nobles
Ryan White-Nobles is Editor-in-Chief of TV Source Magazine. He's began covering entertainment and soap operas in 2005. In 2009 he co-launched Soap Opera Source, and led the TV Source rebrand in 2012. He's a natural #Heel who loves a spirited debate and probably watches too much TV. Follow him on Twitter at @SourceRyan to discuss all things TV, soaps, sports, wrestling and pop culture.

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  1. Well, I’ve never understood Billys seeming disinterest in Michael, This makes no sense as well as many other things.
    He has intense dislike for Franco and mentions the kidnap/rape thing. But he has never remembered Michael’s ordeal in prison. I love Billy and accepted him as Jason as e we had no choice.. but I always hated that he tried to change who Jason Morgan is.. is quirks and personality that made Jason… Jason. But I think he will be much better as Drew, he will still be loved and accepted and The emotional conflict with Sam will be fluid.

  2. How would fans like if the old Carly that’s coming back as a different character was the real Carly🤦🏻‍♀️ Not fare team miller

  3. I hope gh don’t put current Jason as Oscar dad it would not make sence put burton as the dad the mom is a doctor make her character to be Dr Kline side kick

  4. Tiff how can they when burton don’t remember the early years after that car accident

  5. Why cant they go back to the early years and whoever can answer all those qustions be the real Jason? Andre started 5 years ago on his experiment. Surely there is SOMETHING in the deep part of the memory that the real Jason knows that will be definitive.

  6. In one word WOW!

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