It’s Good Girls Sunday, and we’re just hours away from the second episode of Season 2. TV Source has seen an advanced copy of the newest episode “Slow Down, Children at Play” and put together a light spoiler preview of things you can look forward to for fans of our deliciously devilish trio.

In the previous episode, Sadie dropped a bombshell on her mother Annie by telling her that her ex-husband’s new wife is finally pregnant after five rounds of IVF. Look for this week to bring Nancy’s gender reveal, some Annie and Nancy bonding, and another bombshell or two to rock her world. It’s hard when your ex’s new love is pregnant, but add in to it that you’ve recently slept with said ex a few times? Well…things can get complicated.
Beth has been given the instructions to deal with Leslie before he can give his deposition to the FBI. She’s a mother of four and likes to think of herself as a good person despite her taste for danger. Where does she draw the line? What about her husband who is recovering from a gunshot wound inflicted by the man that she can’t seem to stay away from? What path will Beth walk down?
Marriage is hard. It’s even harder when you learn that your wife robbed a grocery store, laundered money for a gang, and lied to your face. It’s a rocky road for Stan and Ruby and after twenty years of marriage, sometimes things hit a boiling point. The real question is: who breaks first?
It’s not a match made in heaven, that’s for sure. Mary Pat has some reservations about marrying Leslie and with good reason. How are you supposed to feel about the man who tried to rape a woman that you know, is a drunk, and is blackmailing you in to marriage? You hope three powerhouses deal with it or make him an offer he can’t refuse.

One of my favorite parts of spoiler-light previews for other shows is when reviewers would post quotes and I would try to guess who said what, why, and when. To keep that tradition alive, here are quotes from the upcoming episode in no particular order:
- “They’re not my friends, they’re just bitches I follow on Instagram.”
- “What is this? The Craft?”
- Listen to your daddy, okay?”
- It’s about him, isn’t it?”
- “Knowing you is like having a newborn.”
- “And you’re welcome.”
- “I’m just saying, not everybody can be good at everything.”
Who said what? Let the guesses begin! Watch Good Girls on NBC Sundays at 10/9c.