We are still riding high with Days of our Lives and this time jump! So much happened this week and there is a ton to unpack. Mickey was kidnapped! Xander is going to confess! Marlena is back and tried to kick “Hope” out! Eric proposed! Ciara is riding to the rescue! Let’s dive into the madness of it all this week in Salem!
Gone Girl
Baby Mickey is gone and Sarah and Xander broke my heart. From Sarah’s despair to Xander’s calm reassurance turn to deadly calm, I was here for it. Linsey Godfrey broke my heart, y’all. She dug down deep to deliver that performance. There is no such thing as pretty crying when you’re child is missing. Her crying came from a deep part of her that probably left her emotionally drained at the end of the day. Hats off to her.
Paul Telfer played Xander stoic and calm, a man that wouldn’t let his fears get the better of him and was a rock of support for Sarah. When he flipped that switch and told Sarah that he would kill the person who took the baby, it was the Xander of old who put Eric and Nicole in a furnace and left them to die. Good. I volunteer as tribute to help you. I cannot wait until he finds out the truth and takes care of business.

Speaking of Xander, do you know why he is one of my favorite characters? He is willing to give up everything for Sarah and Mickey. He is willing to go to jail for probably the rest of his life and give up the two things he loves more than anything in the world so Mickey will be safe. That is a man, y’all.
If Sarah doesn’t want him, can I have him?
Girl What?
I’m going to be honest, I have issues with Ciara right now. I get that she doesn’t want to jeopardize Ben’s appeal. I get it, I understand it, but girl really? You are willing to put a child in danger and put your family through misery to get your man out of jail? I love you, don’t get me wrong, but you deserve the dragging I hope you get when all of this eventually comes out. She should have listened to Ben when he told her to go to the cops or drop a tip on the tip line. She couldn’t have gone to John or to Eli? Neither one would have judged her and would have gotten that baby out of danger.
Speaking of danger, Ciara is really her parent’s daughter. She has a total disregard for her own safety. I get that she wants to get that baby back to her parents and wants to do the right thing, but come on! She is so lucky that she didn’t end up roped to a chair. Also, you knocked the bad guy out and you are sitting there talking to the baby and not scooping her up and running away? Note to Ciara, RUN AWAY!
I’m glad that she seemed to get the job done and get Mickey away from Ray, but now that you have the baby what are you going to do now?
What did you say?
I thought Jennifer’s reaction to finding out about Kayla and Justin was very real. Not only was it literally yesterday for her that Adrienne was next to her marrying the love of her life, but to find out she died in a tragic accident and she wasn’t there? She didn’t get to say goodbye, she had no time to process the information before she found out that Justin had moved on with Kayla. In total whiplash, she lashed out. Missy Reeves was amazing as she spewed Jennifer’s vitriol over the situation. It was unbelievable, unfathomable for her to comprehend. Then, after they left, she laid in Jack’s arms and cried in disbelief about how horrible she had just been to her friends.

Missy was a revelation and Jennifer broke my heart. I cannot wait for more scenes between the four of them.
I have some feelings about Kayla and Jack’s conversation. I don’t like that Kayla was basically asking for Jack’s blessing to move on with Justin. I get why he was the one that she spoke with, he is the brother of both Steve and Adrienne, but I honestly couldn’t get past the fact that she was essentially asking her rapist if she could move on. I just didn’t like it. I like Mary Beth and Matt in scenes, but this was not the one for me.
The Jail
Why on Earth would Ben tell Clyde anything? Clyde is nothing but trouble and Ben knows it. Poor baby Mickey is paying the price for Ben’s poor decision. I really loved Ben’s struggle with his father and his actions. He repeatedly demanded that Clyde give the baby back and that he can fight his own battles. Then to find out that Clyde had no intention of giving that baby back once Ben got out of jail? Rob Scott Wilson sold it for me. Ben’s conscience came out to play and in those scenes proved to me that he’s a better man than he used to be.
Ben called Ciara and told her the dirty deets about what was going on and I really hoped that she would take his advice, but alas it was not to be.
Chabby is Back!
I’m going to say it, I am really happy that Chad and Abby are back. This is the Chad and Abby of old for me and it was really nice to have their dynamic back. Chad doing his little chess match with “Stefano” was great and Abby having a part in it was necessary for a pair that has had issues with truthfulness. I also like that Abby doesn’t necessarily believe that who he is talking to is Stefano. She is a good sounding board for a conflicted Chad and they make such a good team.
Say what now?
I loved loved loved Marlena walking into that penthouse and reading the fuck out of Gina. No one does that bitch face better than Deidre Hall. I need a catfight between Gina and Marlena and I need it now. I need it like I need air. John is such a dumb dumb and I live for it. Marlena knows something is up and I want her to dig deeper and put two and two together. Marlena is the smart one in this relationship and I want her to shine!
Marry Me!

Listen, I have loved Eric and Nicole for a really long time. They are one of the more tortured couples on this show, but I really thought Eric’s proposal was a little weird. He just found out that a child that he had hoped was his had been kidnapped and then he decides to pop the question? I don’t know, seemed a little off. I really like that Nicole wasn’t just going to say “yes” without telling him the truth about the baby. That is growth. That is something that Nicole from five years ago wouldn’t have done. I just wish she had more faith in Eric and his love for her. Maybe then she would have told the truth a year ago and saved herself from the inevitable heartbreak.
What do you think will happen next week? I, for one, cannot wait!