This week’s episodes of The Bold and Beautiful centered around the Brooke/Ridge/Shauna drama again, only now Bill has been added into the mix. It’s a disastrous situation all the way around. I’m not sure who we are even supposed to be rooting for anymore. Everything is a mess. Honestly, it’s not even an adult mess. It’s more of a high school mess in my opinion. All these grown people are making life changing decisions based on ill guided advice and misunderstandings. Let’s dive into the B&B recap for the week of August 24, 2020.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
The week started with a three-minute reunion between Brooke and Ridge. They were happily planning to live happily ever after once Ridge served Shauna with annulment papers. Of course, nothing can be that easy so naturally Bill has to show up and ruin everything. On a mission to secure a future with Brooke himself, after receiving advice from Quinn, the media mogul decides to confess his love to his former wife. That didn’t quite go as he had hoped, however. Brooke responded to his declaration by telling him that a part of her would always love him and she would die loving him, but that she loved Ridge more and wanted to spend her life with him, not Bill. Naturally Ridge only eavesdropped on the I will die loving you part of that conversation and he couldn’t handle what he heard so he hightailed it out of Brooke’s bedroom and straight into his own bedroom with Shauna. Which is exactly where Brooke finds him at the end of the week.
This is where this story loses me because it’s clearly all plot points to get Ridge and Brooke apart and keep them apart, but all these misunderstandings really are ridiculous. Ridge is acting like a scorned little boy. This is Brooke Logan we are talking about. The woman has been with more men than anyone else on the show and she has loved pretty much all of them at one point or another and it’s not like Ridge hasn’t loved other women. But the fact that Ridge overheard her tell Bill she would always love him is enough for Ridge to be done with her. Seriously? Then we have Brooke finding Ridge in his bedroom with a fully clothed Shauna sitting on his bed and it’s a betrayal. I just found all of these so-called obstacles outside of the realm of things that these two people have overcome in the past to be together.

Bill being in love with Brooke after all this time seems to be out of the blue to me because he literally spent weeks begging Katie to take him back and acting like Brooke didn’t really mean that much to him. Now all of a sudden, he is in love with Brooke again. I guess it’s just the lack of buildup to his feelings that is leaving me flat here. I’ve never really been a fan of the Brooke and Bill pairing, but it really feels like it has come out of nowhere.
The flashbacks were out in full force this week. Ridge had flashbacks of his feud with Bill, Bill had flashbacks of his relationship with Brooke, Brooke had flashbacks of her relationship with Ridge and Shauna had flashbacks to the night in Vegas. It was a lot. However, they worked to make the story flow. They were well placed.
At least Katie has finally figured out once and for all that Bill Spencer is not the man for her. It took far too long for this to happen, but Katie is finally done. Back when they first got together I was a big fan of Bill and Katie, but when he hooked up with Brooke the first time, I was over it. Katie is my favorite of the Logan sisters and I think she deserves more than a man who is apparently always going to want her sister. I don’t know what is going to come next for my girl, but whatever it is I hope it’s worth the wait we will undoubtedly have to get to it. I hope the next man is fully devoted to my girl. She deserves it.
Because There Are Other Storylines…

Zoe and Carter had a brief little flirting session this week. It was cute and I want to see more of it. I know we probably won’t get to see the build up to their relationship, but I really wish this show was capable of focusing on more than one story at a time. Some of us want to see the buildup of Carter and Zoe, and Steffy’s addiction, and even Hope and Liam living in domestic bliss for once. I know it’s a half hour show but there needs to be more balance and more of something for everyone.
The Wrap
My pick for Performer of the week this week is Heather Tom. She was only one for a handful of scenes, but she was powerful in the breakup scenes with Katie and Bill. There is a reason that this woman has won so many Emmys.
Worst character of the week has to be Ridge. I just felt like he overreacted to the “confession” he heard from Brooke. I’m sure that he was hurt to hear the words come out of her mouth but to have such a reaction to them was ridiculous. I don’t believe for a moment that a part of Ridge will not always love the women that he has been involved with in the past.
My biggest let down this week was the lack of balance that I talked about earlier. Zoe and Carter getting a few minutes of scenes to set up a relationship isn’t enough. I want to see all the little moments too. I want a reason to love them. I want a reason to root for them.
So in the past life did that bit!h know toooo!!!??!!!!!