The Young and the Restless had it’s good and bad moments this week, like always, but I felt this week had a little bit better than last week. There were some really nice family moments this week and some intense family moments as well, but the drama was in full effect.
Loose Threads
Amanda is finally ready to get some answers about her connection to Hilary. It’s long overdue in my opinion. I think we all can pretty much agree that we know where this is going. Twins. It makes the most sense given how much we know about Amanda’s past and about Hilary’s. I think at this point it’s just about the confirmation. Nate and Devon already have their suspicions. Even Elena knows. I appreciated the way that Nate was able to sympathize with how all of this might impact Devon and how far he has come out of his grief. I think that is an important beat to play and I’m glad it’s being addressed.
Jack and Billy started the week off with a “hang” where they spent time catching up. Jack told Billy how proud he was of his brother for the place he is in his life right now. They talked about Dina. The scenes were just really well down and, in my opinion, needed. Billy has been getting on my nerves more often than not lately, but I really found him to be charming in these scenes with Jack. I also enjoyed his scenes with Amanda and Lily this week as well. I’m not sure at this point where he is heading romantically but these are both good options for him. If I had to choose between the two of them, I would rather see him with Lily. I got some push back for this when I mentioned it in a past review, but I think Billy and Lily make sense. They have this immense amount of history. Lily knows more about him than probably most people and she has been an eyewitness to most of his disastrous relationships so she knows what it would be like to get involved with him. They had some flirty little moments this week and I enjoyed them.
Paul wants Chance to join the PD. Abby has strong feelings about this. I have no use for that Newman family member, as you all well know, however, her concerns were actually valid. So were Chance’s reasons for actually considering taking the job. They had a really good, mature conversation and Abby didn’t exactly accept that he was thinking about it but she acknowledged that she didn’t have a right to tell him what to do and honestly that shows growth for her. However, her concerns about the drama in Vegas being revealed were validated when Alyssa started snooping around Chance. He was able to shut her down, for now, but Alyssa is clearly a bloodhound and will not just go away.
Romantic Entanglements

This was yet another week where I just have no idea what the deal with Lola is. Her attitude is the worst. She didn’t have much airtime this week, thankfully, but when she was on it was painful. I don’t know if she is hormonal. I don’t know if she just keeps waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Whatever this issue is, I hope it gets resolved quickly. I want to be able to enjoy her, I really do, but right now, she is just the worst for me. She did apologize to Theo, so I guess that gives her a little bit of credit though.
Speaking of Theo, he had a little flirt session with Victoria this week. I’m not even going to lie. This could work for me. There were definitely some sparks passing through Society when they were together and all smiley with one another. Obviously, it is way too early to know if anything will come from it, but I think they could both have fun together. Victoria definitely deserves to have some sexy times and Theo deserves to spend time with someone who isn’t going to be moody and judgmental at every corner. The drama is already built in with this flirtation or whatever it may lead to with the fact that Billy is Theo’s boss so I’m curious to see where we go with it. Though, I did learn a long time away that it’s pointless to get my hopes up for a good coupling for Victoria. It never lasts, sadly. Stitch and Travis say hi.
Summer and Kyle meet with Phyllis and Nick this week to update her parents on their plans to move in together. Though of course that wasn’t the first thing either parent expected. Phyllis was worried that they were engaged. Nick was horrid that they could be pregnant. The scenes were ridiculous and funny at the same time. Nick wasn’t exactly thrilled that his little girl is moving in with a still married man. Summer was able to talk him down and he agreed to let the happy couple move into the house that he was going to have built for them back when they were married.
Speaking of Kyle’s marriage, clearly the divorce isn’t going to happen. The anvils were out in full force this week. I think the word divorce was used at least five times. I have no idea what is going to happen to hold it up, but I’m confident in the fact that Summer and Kyle will be able to get through whatever the reason is and come out stronger in the end.
The Prodigal Son Returns

Noah is back! It’s only for a few days, but I have missed him so much! He came back to check on Sharon and quickly put Adam on notice about taking his mom’s attention off of her own recovery and focusing on him instead. I have always loved Noah’s love and dedication to his mother. His concerns are valid given the history between Sharon and Adam. We got some nice scenes between Nick and Noah as well, where Nick filled Noah in about Summer and Kyle and of course his own situation with Phyllis. Noah had expressed some guilt for not being around for Sharon. Nick made him feel better, but I think he is needed on the show and I really wish the writers would bring him back full time. He is a legacy character on the show and it’s important for him to be around. I can never have nice things though, so I won’t hold my breath for it to happen.
This week’s biggest drama was of course the Adam story. It continues to have ripple effects across town. Victoria and Victor, Sharon and Rey, Chelsea, Victor and Nikki all had emotional confrontations about Adam and his past. As annoying as this story can be at times, I do have to admit that it’s nice to have so many beats being played. This isn’t just about Adam’s past. It’s also about his relationships with his father and sister, his past with Sharon, and his marriage to Chelsea. It’s a good umbrella story. Adam is handling things his own way, of course, so he decided that he needs to get away for a while. He is currently hiding out in a motel room and the only person to know where he is happens to be Sharon. This is definitely going to blow up in his face and most likely Sharon’s too.
The Wrap
My choice for Performer of the week is Jason Thompson. He played serious, playful and flirty all in one week and he did a fantastic job. He has always been a phenomenal actor.
Worst character of the week is Lola. I understand that she is heartbroken, maybe even a little bit bitter. It’s been months. She has gone on a date and had sex with someone else. Yet her bad attitude and her judgmental side remains in full effect. It’s time to get over it.
Biggest Let Down of the week is Chelsea. She is using her son to punish Victor because he started Adam on his downward spiral. That is not okay. I am a huge advocate of parents not using their children to make someone else suffer. I am disappointed in her.
Ship of the week is easily Summer and Kyle. The little look they shared when Nick told them it was obvious, they loved each other. It made me swoon. Kyle looked bashful. Summer looked proud. I was just grinning like a fool.
The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS. Episodes are available on and CBS All-Access.