SoapsTV Previews

OLTL Previews: Week of January 3


Dorian vows to find love again as David desperately tries to find his way back to her.

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As Marty arrives to disrupt Natalie and John’s wedding, Jessica experiences terrible abdominal pain. John and Brody rush Jessica to the hospital. Natalie confronts Marty, and when Marty turns to go to the hospital, Natalie stops her. Marty takes a fall and hits her head. Natalie manages to get Marty to the Buchanan Lodge where she intends to keep her while she returns to Llanview to tell John everything. As Natalie is leaving the lodge, she experiences her first labor pain. When Natalie asks Marty to drive her back to town, Marty points out that Natalie wasn’t helpful to her and leaves Natalie to fend for herself. John is worried that he hasn’t heard from Natalie.

Clint rushes to Morocco after David botches an escape. Clint shares bad news with David. David’s HAVASEAT commercial airs in Llanview, causing Dorian to long for him. Rex has a nightmare about David. Viki stops by to thank Dorian for the assist with Echo on Christmas Eve, and insists that Dorian still loves David in spite of her denials. While with Dorian, Viki receives a call from John breaking the news of Jessica’s condition and rushes to the hospital. Jessica, Brody Viki, Charlie and Clint learn that Jessica’s pregnancy is at risk due to scar tissue that resulted from her gunshot wound. Clint blasts Charlie for having shot Jessica. Viki and Brody tearfully persuade Jessica to have the emergency C-Section. David persuades a guard to let him use his phone. When he gets through to Dorian, she won’t listen to his explanations. David will not give up on his freedom. Dorian recognizes that Echo is using her drinking to get closer to Charlie, and dons a disguise to sneak into an AA meeting.


Kelly and Joey miss a kiss on New Year’s Eve. Kelly consults with Rex about the magazine she is certain holds a clue to some unsavory part of Aubrey’s life, before Gigi pulls her man back to the festivities. Aubrey reunites with her mystery man. Bo tries to get through to Nora, but she refuses to listen. Rex causes Bo to consider that perhaps Inez drugged him. Nora confronts Inez and slaps her. Bo shares his suspicions about Inez with John, who realizes if Bo was drugged, Inez has no alibi for Eddie’s murder. Cris and Blair wake up together. Together, Cris and Blair open Eli’s box and discover an oil painting of Blair. James tells Starr he needs to see other people. Tea gets the charges against Nate thrown out of court, but surprisingly Nate confesses his guilt.


Cris tries to contact Layla at her hotel room, only to have a man answer the phone on Monday, January 3.

David Vickers is caught in an escape attempt and Natalie confronts Marty about breaking up her wedding on Tuesday, January 4.

Echo tells Clint he’s missing out on the opportunity to be a father and grandfather because of his dastardly deeds on Wednesday, December 22.

At Nate’s arraignment, Tea announces that she knows who the real killer is. Nora slaps Inez and lets her have it about her affair with Bo on Wednesday, January 5.

Blair opens the mysterious box from Eli. Todd arrives at court to hear Tea suggesting he killed Eddie on Thursday, January 6.

Natalie goes into labor. Nate announces he is guilty, but Tea thinks Inez killed Eddie on Friday, January 7.

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