Photo: JPI
Will Horton learns to accept his sexuality, Days of our Lives
Days of our Lives did a lot of things wrong this year (a LOT), but one of the few bright spots was the Will Horton storyline. DAYS took viewers on Will’s journey of self-loathing and fear of being gay to acceptance and the realization that it’s ok for him to be gay. Instead of facing his struggles alone, he was accompanied by people who would help him along the way (even if he didn’t know). Frenemy EJ (who was aware of Will’s struggles) encouraged him to embrace his desires (whether it was money or power), best friend Sonny offered and grandma Marlena offered guidance and support as Will struggled to admit to them – and himself – that he was gay. All allowed Will to be true to himself, never asking him deny the parts of himself that others might not approve of. Will’s coming out to his parents was especially well done, with Sami and Lucas supporting Will, even if they weren’t sure how to handle it.
‘This is a female driven storyline – Liam isn’t the one “choosing” between the women, it’s the women who are choosing him.’
Really? I cannot fathom finding this storyline anything but completely offensive to women. You’re absolutely right that Liam isn’t “choosing” between the women, because he wants to have it both ways AND THE WOMEN LET HIM. Both of those women should want and demand better for themselves, and yet it’s a torturous, never-ending merry-go-round that is wildly demeaning to the characters of both Hope and Steffy. I wish they’d both kick him to the curb that he deserves to be dropped on and then go out and find someone worth their trouble.
If they’re bores you, then why you’re watching them?
Will and Sonny are good together as friends…only. As a couple they are boring.
Your choice of Melissa Claire Egan as best supporting makes me realize why I agree completely with the naming of Y&R as most disappointing soap. I’ve been a major fan of hers since forever, and love her work. I only wish the show’s writing was worthy of her. It managed to make me despise her character, and that is so frustrating! I wish I could’ve seen Chelsea and Adam’s chemistry and instantly forgotten how she came on the scene, but I needed a whole lot more than that to forget everything she did. The writers constantly opted to take the easy way out with her, and her redemption and entry into respected GC circles happened overnight – totally unbelievable, and now it’s too late to rectify that in my eyes. MCE’s acting is fantastic as always, but the character is a fail for me, and the writers are entirely to blame.
Totally agree with one of the choices for Best Couple: Will Horton and Sonny Kiriakas of Days of our Lives (Chandler Massey, Freddie Smith). In my opinion, these two actors are simply amazing in their portrayal of a young couple who start out as friends and end up in love. They portray Will and Sonny as a real couple with real problems and struggles, just like any other couple. This is a true love story between these two characters, and Chandler and Freddie are both talented actors who make this relationship seem real.