Photo: ABC
Jason Thompson as Patrick Drake, General Hospital
This was by far Jason Thompson’s year to show us what he is made of. Upon the death of his on screen love interest Robin Scorpio-Drake, we went on an emotional journey and Patrick grieved for his wife, went through a quick battle with drug addiction, and found the light at the end of the tunnel and began moving on, finding himself in the middle of a love triangle with new student nurse Sabrina and the new resident GP Britney. Thompson’s willingness to give his all day in and day out made him an easy pick for this award, and we look forward to seeing what Thompson has up his sleeve as 2013 looks to be a rollercoaster year for Patrick Drake, but we are sure Thompson is capable of handling whatever the writers throw at him.

Photo: JPI
Michael Muhney as Adam Newman, The Young and the Restless
Michael Muhney was definitely no slacker in 2012 either, on a show that was basically unwatchable, Muhney was able to give fans a performance day in and day out that consistently made us root for the unrootable Adam Newman. From Adam’s tortured relationship with Sharon to his redeeming and finding love with the character of Chelsea, to doing despicable things in the Newman boardroom, Muhney consistently brought his A-game no matter who he was opposite, and consistently elevated the scenes that he was in.
‘This is a female driven storyline – Liam isn’t the one “choosing” between the women, it’s the women who are choosing him.’
Really? I cannot fathom finding this storyline anything but completely offensive to women. You’re absolutely right that Liam isn’t “choosing” between the women, because he wants to have it both ways AND THE WOMEN LET HIM. Both of those women should want and demand better for themselves, and yet it’s a torturous, never-ending merry-go-round that is wildly demeaning to the characters of both Hope and Steffy. I wish they’d both kick him to the curb that he deserves to be dropped on and then go out and find someone worth their trouble.
If they’re bores you, then why you’re watching them?
Will and Sonny are good together as friends…only. As a couple they are boring.
Your choice of Melissa Claire Egan as best supporting makes me realize why I agree completely with the naming of Y&R as most disappointing soap. I’ve been a major fan of hers since forever, and love her work. I only wish the show’s writing was worthy of her. It managed to make me despise her character, and that is so frustrating! I wish I could’ve seen Chelsea and Adam’s chemistry and instantly forgotten how she came on the scene, but I needed a whole lot more than that to forget everything she did. The writers constantly opted to take the easy way out with her, and her redemption and entry into respected GC circles happened overnight – totally unbelievable, and now it’s too late to rectify that in my eyes. MCE’s acting is fantastic as always, but the character is a fail for me, and the writers are entirely to blame.
Totally agree with one of the choices for Best Couple: Will Horton and Sonny Kiriakas of Days of our Lives (Chandler Massey, Freddie Smith). In my opinion, these two actors are simply amazing in their portrayal of a young couple who start out as friends and end up in love. They portray Will and Sonny as a real couple with real problems and struggles, just like any other couple. This is a true love story between these two characters, and Chandler and Freddie are both talented actors who make this relationship seem real.