Hollyoaks (U.K.)
Harry is cute and all, but for $10,000, James could get himself a whole stable full of rent boys. I must say that James and Harry do have some chemistry. Those flirty scenes between them were pretty fun. And Harry does seem attracted to James. It’s not all about the money, IMO. I do hope this storyline, however it goes, brings about the end of Ste and Harry. They are a horrid couple that make no rhyme or reasons. Hell, Harry has more reason to be with James than he ever did with Ste and James is paying him!
I do like how people keep pointing out to Harry that Ste is dragging him down. James asking Harry what his life was like before he met Ste and the look on Harry’s face spoke volumes.
As far as Ste getting arrested for stealing from Cam, I know Cam is supposedly the bad guy, but Ste was guilty. Yet we’re to feel sorry for him, just like when he always does these horrible things and we’re supposed to find it forgivable and not really his fault. At least the awful homeless story is over. That mess was dreadful.
Like I’ve said before, I don’t understand the writing for Ste. He never learns, he never grows, he never changes and he destroys everything he touches. Why the show is so enamored with him and thinks we should be too amazes me. As far as Ste being arrested (again), isn’t Ste still on probation for killing his mother? If that’s the case, a jail sentence should be immediate. Though I suspect the show forgot that plot point.
It was nice to see Amy. She’s always been one of my favorites. I wish the show would keep her around more often but I’ve always felt that they’ve kept Amy off-screen because she was the one person who, unlike everyone else, called Ste out on his nonsense and didn’t put up with his crap. I agree with her taking away the kids. Right now, Ste shouldn’t be anywhere near them. He’s a disaster.
Scott and JP are the most ridiculous, nonsensical gay pairing on the show since… Ste and Harry. I just don’t believe JP would ever, ever go for a guy like Scott.
I do hope this show plays this as a doomed disaster borne out of desperation and loneliness on JP’s part and not a real relationship.
Ste and Harry stayed in that shack for weeks and didn’t notice the scratching on floor? And how did Cam keep Lockie imprisoned there? It’s not exactly a fortress.
How do Ste and Harry suddenly have money to eat out since Ste still has no job and Harry gave James the money back?
God, I love Marnie’s campy over the top scheming. It’s so much fun. Her manipulating dumb Scott into (trying to) torch Tony’s business was hilarious.
So Tom Quill is alive? What a shock! Not. I predicted weeks ago that Tom was alive. And I guess he’s going to turn out to be the bad guy in the end so this explosion storyline can come to a close. I don’t have a problem with that other than it’s totally predictable.
And it doesn’t make Aaron and Nate, a totally boring couple, interesting in the least. Of course it doesn’t help that the show avoids any romantic scenes between them. They resumed a sexual relationship, but we only found that out through dialogue. They didn’t even kiss in the scene before it happened.
Now Aaron’s resistance to trust Nate, who walked out on Aaron for months without a word, is a realistic conflict, I guess.
I just don’t care about them or their relationship. I still wish they hadn’t brought Nate back when the actor left to do a play. I just think Aaron, who is an appealing character, would do better with a new love interest.
As for Tom’s attempt to blackmail Aaron, all I kept thinking was: where did Tom think Aaron would get $10,000 from? When they dated, Tom was always buying Aaron gifts. He knew Aaron was broke. Where would he get that kind of money? Guess we’re not supposed to think about it.
Poor Iolo! This show loves making him miserable, don’t they? I did read that this incident will have long-term ramifications for Iolo, which makes me dread what’s next.
I suspect he’ll have another serious bout of OCD and Tyler will probably help him get through it, leading to love between them? I’m all for Iolo finding a long term boyfriend, but does he have to suffer so much to get one? I do hope them finding and convicting the bashers is part of the story.
Thing is, even if Tom or whatever his name is, did delete his account, there would have to be records of it online that they could go to the company behind the site and at least get his picture to use to track him down.
We all know by now that just because you delete some information, it’s still out there on a server somewhere. I’d think that’s a possibility.
Tyler did seem a bit bothered by Iolo going out to begin with. Was it jealousy or something else?
I swear Elias is like a shark circling Lari just waiting to strike. He sounds so disingenuous when he talks about Lari and Kalle breaking up and makes his intent clear when he offers to be there for Lari and listen to his problems. Whatever.
That scene of Elias and Kalle drinking together and is so implausible and reeks of plot points. There’s just no way I could see them being civil after what’s just happened. The argument in the hallway was much more real and truthful than the contrived discussion later in Kalle’s apartment.
Elias can say that Kalle is the cause of his own problems and he’s right. But Elias had no business telling Lari anything about what Kalle did.
He did it because he wanted Lari himself. No matter what Kalle did, there’s no getting around that.
But it’s clear the show is finally, after all this time, moving towards Elias and Lari. Thing is, Lari hasn’t shown a whit of interest in Elias in over two years. Just last week he was deeply in love with Kalle. Let’s hope this change of heart is a believable one.
Gah Kalle has a drinking problem, each time he makes out with the guy next to him, not cool at all
I hate ste storyline, remember when he was working, has his shp with doug etc… good time, i don’t understand what the writers do with the character and god, give to JP a proper lover and a great storyline, this stuff with Scott is awful to see.
Andy’s swoonworthy. I hope he’s not Ronnie’s stalker, as some have speculated. But why the hell is he homeless? He can’t crash with his pal, Linford?
I’m confused by how Emmerdale is writing Jimmy right now. Having him buddy up with Jai and spend half his time wearing only an apron is weird.
Not a very exciting week this time, I’m extremely disappointed in Emmerdale right now, I hate how once again Finn’s “story” is just him playing an extra for his mother’s crazy explosive bull, I mean I’m all for giving gays stories not exactly related to their sexuality but enough is enough, that bloke has been in the soap for three years and only manages to get a minor story every year? Tragic. And what kind of producer introduces a character and then basically treats as comic relief extra?
As for Robron, I’m starting to dread their scened together. They’re literally the most boring/horrible gay couple in Soapland (excluding HO), since Aaron and Jackson. I’m gonna have to blame the common element here and say that Danny Miller just isn’t capable of conveying real care or emotion, apart from crying I guess and giving witty monotone replies. They look more like mates than lovers. And Do they seriously want us to believe that Robert, a guy who has been known for his constant cheating on his hot girlfriends, would stay in a relationship with a cry-baby playing daddy to his half-sister and who sucks the fun out of every scene he’s in?
Nothing to say about Eastenders, except I didn’t pick up on anything between Ben and Johnny, although the show probably wants to go that direction, hopefully not. Oh and Paul has no self-esteem at all, he’s basically Ben’s doormat ffs.
Ha, yeah I remember watching those episodes when I was like eleven and I was like why does Steven fancy Christian he’s not that much of a catch, still baffled by how they make him to be this magnet for confused gay guys. Doubt he’ll be very popular, the actor has not aged well.
I hope Steven sticks around with Paul leaving we could do with another gay character, the actor is more grown up so I hope he’ll be more comfortable with playing a gay character this time around. As for Tom, I just wish they would turn him into a main or at least give him more screen-time (hopefully in a just towel like Andy yesterday)
Couldn’t agree with you more about last week on EastEnders. Jay’s story is uncomfortable to watch but is realistic. The Pam thing, on the other hand, was ham-handed even though she is completely rational to regret seeing Paul get involved with Ben and the Mitchells. Pooping in a bag isn’t funny, but the scene where Denise took it into the Vic and tossed it on the table did make me chuckle.
Iolo needs a nice long hug. There was a brief scene in the school when the girls bumped into an unnamed guy and started looking for him on a social media site. Was that Tom? I don’t know the rest of the characters on this show well enough to identify all the regulars, but I got the impression he was new. And when they immediately went to the internet, it made me wonder if Tom could return in a story arc about using social sites for nefarious purposes leading to his arrest for the attack on Iolo.
Just wanted to add that Tristam Summers, the actor who plays Tom Pepper on EE, tweeted from the set last week, so he’s still in the mix. How could Johnny turn down a date with Hot Pepper? Also, they’re bringing back the “Steven Beale” character who’s also gay. Aaron Sidwell is already on set and working. It’s more than likely for the Beale-centric story they’re playing later this year; but at the very least, he should have some kind of conversation with Christian, since he was part of Steven’s coming out story. In fact, Ben should have some kind of conversation with Christian as well, since he was once crushing on Christian.