These weekly reviews are so much fun to write when I enjoyed the show and I loved this year’s Nurses Ball! There was a good balance of musical numbers and life altering events while keeping the heart of the ball, AIDS awareness, still present. The highlights were numerous – red carpet mischief, moments of compassion, romance, danger, catfights, heroes and villains, etc. There was plenty of entertainment packed into those three days.
General Hospital’s Nurses Ball never looked better. Shoutout to the wardrobe department for making everyone look flawless. Technical stuff such as the lighting and camera work were really well done. There were nice visually pleasing moments like when we were shown Lucy’s viewpoint as she walked out onto the stage to start the event. I also felt that the breakdown writers did a wonderful job of keeping everything that happened in those episodes glued together and the quality high. Overall the cast and crew all were amazing this year.
I also appreciated that the Nurses Ball was used to move existing story line forward. Sometimes in the past, it felt like GH’s stories were put on hold for a few days of singing and dancing. That wasn’t the case this year. The musical numbers were fun but didn’t overwhelm the episodes. Some performances such as Jake’s song and Kiki and Dillon’s duet even pushed story forward. I feel like a lot stories have now been shifted into new more exciting directions.
A lot happened on GH last week and I wasn’t able to write about all of it. If you would like to share your thoughts on anything I did or did not mention, please leave a comment below or feel free to tweet me and we’ll chat.
General Hospital Week In Review for the episodes that aired May 23rd-27th.
The Non-Wedding

Brad and Bobbie worry about Lucas.
Weddings never happen the way that they’re suppose to on GH as Brad and Lucas found out. After Bobbie has a fainting spell, Lucas takes his mother to the hospital and tells an selfie obsessed Amy to let Brad know he’d left. Lucas walked in on the hospital’s serial killer trying to inject Bobbie with some sort of a drug and ended up getting stabbed with the needle instead. Amy didn’t get the message to Brad as promised leading to him thinking he had been stood up. He soon found out the situation was much worse when Bobbie answered Lucas’ cell phone and told him to get to the hospital right away. Brad and Bobbie watched helplessly as Lucas flatlined. Luckily Griffin and Finn are able to get Lucas’ heart going again and save his life. I don’t think that Lucas will be waking up right away as that would quickly put an end to the hospital mystery.
I had mentioned in a prior review that I thought Griffin and Finn had a good vs. evil vibe to them. I saw that again this last week. Finn was hiding a needle and looking guilty while Griffin showed concern for the situation, wanting to know what was going on so it could be stopped. I don’t think the answer to the mystery is going to be as simple as Finn being the killer but I feel like whatever Finn is hiding could get in the way of learning the truth. He might not be offing patients but he’s definitely doing something he shouldn’t be and doesn’t want to get caught.
As for Brad and Lucas, after all this is resolved, can they finally get married please and thank you?
Through The Looking Glass
The idea of Liason vs. Jasam is just not appealing at all but adding Franco into the mix has turned a tired story line into something new. Two women fighting over Jason didn’t work. It’s too high school for these characters and it also guarantees someone will always be the loser. Jason and Sam needed to reunite and Liz needed someone on her side. The dueling couples work much better than the overdone fan war triangle. I like how the Nurses Ball played on this new dynamic. I noticed a nice juxtapose between how the pairs were dressed for the event. Their styles were similar but tailored to match the different personalities. Jason and Sam had a trendy take on the classic black and white look while Franco and Liz had a colorful artistic style with his grey tuxedo and her floral print. It made for kind of a distorted mirror image. These characters are all connected and there are similarities but there is a notable difference in their wants, needs and motivations.

Franco and Liz walked the red carpet together much to Jason’s chagrin.
I like that the writers have shifted the rivalry away from the ladies and onto the guys. Liz and Sam are no longer fighting over Jason and Liz is trying to move on. Unfortunately for Jason, Liz is being drawn to Franco. I can understand why Jason doesn’t want Franco around Jake even if I don’t agree. Good communication was never Stone Cold’s strong suit and that’s evident in the situation. I also understand why Liz feels some resistance about telling Franco to take a hike. She’s seeing a different side to him, one that is caring and kind. Jason (and this is totally Franco’s fault) only sees the guy who tries to provoke him and cause issues for his family. Franco obviously doesn’t like Jason but Jason is wrong in his assumption that Franco is playing Liz. His attraction to Liz seems built more in admiration in her qualities as a mother and her potential strength as a person. There are a lot of different viewpoints in this situation which makes it fun for me personally to watch. I liked that Franco helped Jake with his stage fright and I liked the lyrics to the song This Changes Everything. It worked as a set up for the mystery surrounding Jake’s time on Cassadine Island but I also think it works for Franco and Liz’s relationship. Maybe this could be their song. Remember when couples had songs?
Franco just broke up with Nina because of their disagreement over whether or not to have children. Seeing Franco come to Jake’s rescue was no doubt a blow to her heart. It probably appears that his not wanting to be a father may have been more about not wanting to have kids with her in particular. She may be right in thinking that too. People want different things in different relationships. I think with Nina, Franco enjoyed having a job, home and hot love life. That doesn’t mean he didn’t love her or even that he has stopped loving her. But I feel that Franco’s actions at the Nurses Ball also set things into action for Nina’s future.“You made me believe that maybe someday I can fall in love again,” she tells Kiki and Dillon after their performance. I think that is what her next story line will be. Can she move on from Franco and fall in love again? And if so who will be her next lover?

Ava flushes the evidence.
I enjoy Ava vs. Carly but just wish it could be about something other than Avery. GH is so awful to new mothers. Over the last four to five years, Sam, Lulu, Maxie, Ava and now Sabrina have had their babies kept from them. It’s a little stressful to watch. That’s why I can’t be Team Carly at all here. She acts likes she’s entitled to Avery and I don’t understand the logic behind it. I want Ava to get her baby back and for this custody battle stuff to end. There are plenty of other reasons for these ladies to not be BFFs.
I did enjoy their bathroom brawl. Ava taking off her earrings and shoes was everything. I also liked how Ava didn’t care at all when Carly first threatened to show her sex tape with Paul. Paul on the other hand cares a lot. Ava may not have a lot to lose if people find out about her little affair with the DA but Paul’s career would be ruined. He still holds the key to Ava’s continued freedom and Ava is now tasked with trying to get the sexy evidence back while still retaining custody of her daughter. I like Ava when she’s in femme fatale mode and I feel like she’s had too much of her power taken away. I want to watch her claw her way back to the top again.