This week on General Hospital, Carly gets bad news. Also: Liz puts Franco at ease; Ava looks to Scott for help; Dante tries to connect the pieces together; Sam hires Curtis. Get the latest GH scoop in our General Hospital spoilers for the week of April 3, 2017.
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(ABC/Craig Sjodin)
General Hospital Spoilers: Missing Parts
Sonny and Carly have gone their separate ways but how long can they stay apart this time? Nelle may have gotten her revenge on Carly but is there more to the story? Carly receives some heart-breaking news. When she learns the truth, will she be able find a way to forgive? Sonny find himself humbled in light of recent events. Look for the mob boss to receive some surprising information. Meanwhile, Nelle becomes aware of the reality of her situation. Look for Michael and Nelle to continue to cross paths with each other in Port Charles.
Dealing with Lucy’s blackmail didn’t go as planned for Ava, leading her to enlist Scott’s help again. The tense predicament causes Ava to take her frustration out on Kiki. Meanwhile, Dante is intrigued while investigating a new case. Will he be able to put the pieces together? Dante’s suspicions may point in Ava’s direction.
Also this week:
Julian might be MIA but his presence is still felt. Alexis offers an apology while Sam seeks some closure. Sam hires Curtis to work for her.
Tracy and Laura have a heart to heart as they set out on what could be a final adventure. Tracy demands answers and later finds herself on the receiving end of a warning.
Finn battles his demons as he continues to struggle with his addiction. Meanwhile, Hayden gains sympathy from her sister Liz. Will Finn’s drug habit drive drive a wedge between Hayden and him? Liz has plenty of her own romantic drama to deal with as well. Look for her to find a creative way to reassure Franco of her commitment.
- Anna is remorseful.
- Josslyn is conflicted.
- Valentin is taken aback.
- Lulu suffers a setback.
Source Sneak Peek:
Nelle confesses her sins. Alexis tries to put the pieces together. Brad betrays Finn. Sam and Jason take the kids to an Easter egg hunt.
Nell had better confess to the setup. This BS needs to end NOW. Get Sonny and Carly back together.
Melle is the new Morkiki …more alexis pining for the guy who tried to viciously murder her when he caught her wearing a wire, more carson convos, noooo.
LOVE ava, LOVE maura but I was OVER the stupid and nonsensical meds switch six months ago. OVER. Write for true ava. How Jelly have ZERO interest in giving ava /maura west a REAL story is just beyond me… Ditto Carly, she’s simply NOT just a mob wife, but that’s how she’s written.
Dear GH Jelly and Frank. Take a hint. You deserve this ratings slide.
If you ignore what your viewers LIKE/LOVE about your show, and instead write for what YOU LIKE, your ratings tank. If your stories make no sense because you let head writers write lazy, sexist garbage, ratings fall. So, Stop.