It’s that time of year now when new love blossoms. Yes, spring has sprung in the real world but I don’t think its hit in Salem just yet. Days of Our Lives continues to do the same old this last week, giving couples the people want the bare minimum of scraps while pushing the couples no one wants to the forefront. But isn’t that the same story we’ve been bemoaning for months and months now? There is so much potential in these stories that if the show had been under a capable writer, we’d probably be having a vastly different discussion. Instead we’re here, watching lukewarm romances between underdeveloped characters with viewers and actors suffering right through it all.
Week in Review for Days of Our Lives episodes airing March 27th- 31st.
Build Me up Buttercup
The potential, it’s all right there in all of ours faces screaming to be set free but what do we get? Another story where instead of allowing the tragic anti-hero of a character to rediscover himself through his new life, he stumbles around a romance he’s not yet ready for and another wash and repeat of a love quadrangle we don’t want. This show just continues to build us viewers up with hopes that maybe things will change just to let us down again with Higley drilling us further and further into the hole.
Eric Brady and Jennifer Horton are fire on screen. I do not care what anyone says about their dubious age gap or even the circumstances that they came together the first time, it could make for amazing story. These two people were pillars of Salem society at a time, the absolute moral center and they both fell and found each other at the bottom. That’s such a relatable human story that I can’t believe it’s not being talked more in their scenes together. Instead, the focus is on how Eric did everyone a favor by running Daniel Jonas over last year.
Granted, Daniel was his best friend and he was drunk driving so the blame lays solely upon Eric but the only angle we’ve seen so far makes it seem like he killed the mayor of Salem. Eric struggled with his guilt on his own – but off-screen. I want to see more of his inner battle, dealing with that sad reality that he no longer has that best friend in his life because of his stupid decision. Eric and Jennifer are hot together, but only showing Eric struggle through worrying about the town thinking bad of him for killing Daniel and not feeling good enough for Jennifer is such a disservice. There could be so much more to this story!
Take a break from trying to start a romance by showing Eric doing his counseling at Horton Town Center. Bring back that day player who had been in a similar accident, let them share their stories, support one another as they crumble while telling it. The characters on DAYS are just that – characters. Soap opera characters should be that and so much more, they should be as interesting and complex as our own real life neighbors. Under Higley they’re just devices to move along the mundane plot she’s dreamed up.
I support the Eric and Jennifer romance, I’d just like to see them pick themselves back up on their own before starting anything. That just feels doomed from the start.

Abigail asks Chad hard questions about Deimos’ beating.
Then there’s Chad and Abigail Dimera and Gabi and Dario Hernandez and their mess of a quad. It’s so redundant at this point, isn’t it? You could probably look back on my reviews from these last few weeks to find the exact same critiques written. I wish I could say more but there haven’t been any new developments with them! Sure, things happened between these four lovesick young adults (how old is Dario anyway?) but did anything of substance happen? Not at all.
I am so happy that Abigail took Dario’s confession as a joke, just like the viewers did. Him confessing love for a woman that he just helped set up a charity dinner with is just so out of this world. That’s not love, that’s infatuation which can be a deadly trait when you’re from the Hernandez clan. In a move that’s taken Chad weeks to do (as he continues to go back on his word), Abigail cut her ties with Dario as his feelings for her were highly inappropriate. Abigail was married and Dario would have to respect that.
But then she allowed Chad and Gabi to talk after he said he’d stay away. So we got another scene of them cutting each other out of their lives though we know this one probably won’t stick either. I don’t feel sorry for any of them as people but as characters I do. It must be so annoying to have to play this one note drama out over and over again. On paper, these characters should be complex and having more varied interactions with each other; Abigail is the good girl trying to keep it together after going through some real shit, Gabi is an ambitious survivor, Chad is crafty boy who has to try not to be too bad and Dario is… who knows. Point is, there’s more to these characters than what’s been shown lately and that makes such a huge difference.
I might have cheered when Chad had Deimos Kiriakis beat up but it was just another kidnapping, sure to lead to yet another kidnapping until someone dies during said kidnapping. Everyone knows exactly where this is all going. And sue me for wanting to have some fun watching this unfold! This fabricated, wash and repeat love quad has really become the absolute antithesis of fun.
For my own health, I cannot talk about Brady Black and Nicole Walker. I’m trying to avoid bursting a blood vessel.