Paige experienced her first taste of Hollywood on Famous in Love.
And it wasn’t pretty.
“A Star is Torn” centered on Paige attempting to balance the two halves of her life: on the one side, her parents, school, and her best friends. On the other, the glitz, glamour, and complications of being a movie star.
Or, a potential movie star, because to quote Alexis, the part’s not officially hers until the camera’s start rolling.

(Freeform/Byron Cohen)
Thankfully, Paige has a lot of people in her corner, including her mom, who, unlike Paige’s dad, was already starry-eyed over the idea of movie stars. Her giddy reaction balanced nicely with his insistence Paige focus on school.
Although, I’m not sure I believe that a random girl asking for Paige’s autograph would sway him on the idea more than his wife and daughter. But I did appreciate seeing him come around a tiny bit. Supportive parents are the best kind.
Same goes for friends. I take back what I said last week about Paige and Jake’s lack of chemistry. Maybe the actors needed time to get more comfortable with each other, but I felt a pang of sadness—for both of them—when Jake suggested being friends was what Paige needed.
As for Cassie and Paige, the writing’s definitely on the wall. Paige snapping at Jake over Cassie’s inclusion in their potential relationship discussions confirmed the ladies are going to face an uphill battle to keep their friendship on track. I wish we weren’t headed down this familiar road.

(Freeform/Byron Cohen)
Especially since Paige and Alexis are also being set up as rivals. Of course the cattiness was almost worth it for the scene where Paige whipped out her Spanish to answer Jake’s phone, and attempt to scare her away. Hilarious. And considering it came after Paige’s almost kiss with Rainer, I don’t see Paige’s feelings for Jake disappearing completely anytime soon.
I do feel bad for Alexis. She’s obviously struggling, and doesn’t have anyone in her life she can trust. Her friendships, and her relationships, all seem to be based on mutual needs. Even Rainer, who she’s known for a long time, attempted to use her when he needed something. I’d much rather see Alexis and Paige bond and be there for one another.

(Freeform/Byron Cohen)
Speaking of friendships, Rainer and Jordan’s is ruined. I still don’t think we have the entire Tangey story. They did sleep together. But Tangey felt justified since Rainer was never around. But why did Jordan betray his best friend? There’s got to be more to the story than he just felt like hooking up, right?
Just like there’s more to Jordan’s past. Or should I say Jordy Michaels’ past? As much as I like the breadcrumbs we’re getting, I want to know more about Jordan. He’s coming across as if he’d do anything to get ahead. But like the fight, I’m convinced there’s more to the story. Give us more clues, please!
As for Rainer, he seems to have poor little rich boy syndrome. He’s got everything a person could want, but he’s not happy. Maybe that’s because, like Alexis, so many of his relationships appear to be fake. Even his mom is micromanaging his life to get what she wants.

(Freeform/Byron Cohen)
Is that why Rainer’s being so nice to Paige? He spouted the cliché “I’ve never met anyone like you” line. But in this case, he probably means it. Growing up in Hollywood, he’s not used to genuine people. And Paige is most definitely genuine. Which means Rainer’s likely to crush her, unintentionally of course, but this has disaster written all over it.
(But I’m still shipping it because fangirls have to fangirl).
I’m not sure if Nina is supposed to be my favorite character on the show, but she’s holding the title at the moment. Maybe because it’s frustrating to see a woman having to work twice as hard to stay on top while the men she helped along the way try to push her down (looking at you, Barrett).

(Freeform/Byron Cohen)
Nina’s constantly making deals, putting out fires, and steering the ship because she desperately needs this movie to be a success. And now that her former rival is her boss, her life is only going to get harder. I look forward to watching her continue to crush people who try to bring her down.
But, seriously, everything is going to blow up in her face when Rainer finds out she’s been sleeping with Jordan. And maybe I’m wrong, but Nina’s feelings for Jordan seem genuine. Not enough to stop her from throwing him under the bus if necessary, but as real as they can be for someone like her.
In other words, disaster waiting to happen.