This week on General Hospital, Carly searches for Sonny. Also: Jason worries about Sam’s condition; Hayden’s perfect life is about to come crashing down; Nina is on the defense. Get the latest GH scoop in our General Hospital spoilers for the week of July 31, 2017.
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General Hospital Spoilers: Down the Rabbit Hole

(ABC/Michael Yada)
Knowing the situation is grime, Jason holds vigil for his wife. Griffin is cautiously optimistic but warns Jason that the disease could leave an permanent effect on Sam. Jason grills for answers and struggles to get the truth. Sam’s reality continues to break. Left in a dangerous predicament, Sonny begins to lose hope that he’ll be rescued. Sonny has a choice to make that will impact his future. Meanwhile, Carly is forced to wait for answers. Desperate to have Sonny found, she puts Jordan on blast for not doing more. Carly looks to Michael for guidance. Dante does his best to help Carly. Will Sonny be found in time?
Happily Never After
Finn surprises Hayden with a romantic gesture. It looks like the couple is heading towards a happily ever after but things are about to get complicated for them thanks to Liesl’s scheming. Hayden’s past is about to come back to bit her. Her guilty conscience could be her undoing.
Also this week:
Nina is on the defense regarding Valentin and Nathan delivers a strong warning. Will she continue to put her trust in Valentin or will she take her brother’s words to heart? Back at Windemere, Valentin deals with an unlikely intruder. Laura is put on notice. What is she planning?
Ava goes to lengths to hide her appearance. Can Julian raise her spirits? Ava gets a proposition that could shift what the future holds for her.
- Avery is inconsolable.
- Oscar offers his support.
- Nelle scrutinizes a gift.
Source Sneak Peek:
Hayden looks to a kindred-spirit for advice. Nathan receives a welcome surprise. Alexis gets advice from her daughters.
well, they’re struggling to be on-screen, LOL. I actually think Frank just says stuff like that often misleads us with off-screen GH stories. I wouldn’t have bothered to check this months recaps if he didn’t lie about a griffin/ava relationship, so I think the misleading works short-term to keep fans trying to hold on. At this point, I don’t believe a word he says. If he was honest and said ava was going to be bandaged like a mummy and griffin would pray or listen to people all summer, who would bother to watch, really. Same likely true for kiki/dillon. Classic marketing deception, to be honest.
If they’re going to drop them off-screen, they should have them flying off to visit Tracy. Would explain why kiki’s being a crappy daughter too (although that’s nothing new).
They’re kind of like brad/lucas used to be, they popup in a story for a couple of scenes, then off for months. Frank does NOT like what we like to see on GH for sure.
I still don’t care for the Sonny and Carly crap. I mute all the Sonny and Carly crap too. Hopefully Days will start beating GH in the ratings soon.
It is!
They should hire Stephanie Gatschet to play the role of Nelles sister.
Don’t forget Sonny never does anything wrong. I will never understand why the show is keeping Sonny hands so clean.
Karen WAS underage at the time.
That is discussing but regardless of her age getting someone hook on drugs is not rape so unless he slept with her while she was under age that would not be considered rape.
Karen was underage and Sonny hooked her on drugs, so yeah, that’s technically rape given the consent issues. He was a disgusting pig who asked her if she liked being molested. Sonny doesn’t get a pass on that.
Sonny didn’t rape or technicality rape anyone Karen stripped at his club he use to own but it doesn’t matter what sonny does or doesn’t do it is jordans job to find him. But she is too busy with Curtis then to do her job
I don’t think they ever showed up. They were suppose to have some sort of struggle with their relationship. They completely forgot about them.
But hey 3 days of Sonny in a ditch is great.
Well, considering how the PCPD isn’t allowed to be competent because the show revolves around a mob boss who nearly murdered his own children and technically raped Scott Baldwin’s daughter, and a former mob enforcer who murdered over a thousand men and women in his career as a mass murderer for the mob (as Original Recipe Franco said), it’s not surprising that the PCPD are written as the Keystone Cops. It doesn’t make it any less annoying when Carly chastises Jordan for not magically finding Sonny given how she’s opposed to them doing their jobs most of the time.
Can we please wrap up this Sam bs already? Thank goodness for a fast forward button!
Yes but it is her job to actually find the citizens of PC but I Carly is acting out because she doesn’t know where sonny is and Jordan is a good target. The PC are really bad at their job anyways they couldn’t even find a kidnapped little boy why would you think they could find a mob boss as well they seem to lose prisoners or evidence first Valentin,then Alex and now Grady(I think that is his name)
This show is so awful right now.. I guess Dillon and Kiki are done for the summer.
So Carly puts Jordan “on blast” for not doing more to find a morally bankrupt mob boss who is responsible for hurting or killing innocent people every year his illegal criminal enterprise is in business? The same guy who nearly killed his own children? The man who murdered AJ and asked AJ’s son, Michael, to go into business with him (which I’m sure Monica would love)? Carly is ridiculous; she’s either tearing the PCPD a new one for doing after her criminal husband or tearing them down if they aren’t ‘doing enough’ when she suddenly wants them to do their job.
U spelled Michelle’s name wrong