Going into the premiere of Titans, I don’t think any of us expected this season to play out the way it did; taking a long form story approach to assembling the team has allowed Dick Grayson to abandon the Robin mantle and feel comfortable with the path he’s chosen. It has introduced us to characters from his past and characters that will comprise his future and all of this has been done with intricate episodes delving into the minutiae of these people.
Underneath all of it has been this looming backstory of Rachel, or as we know her, Raven, who and what she is and the threat she carries within her. Allowing Rachel and Kory to both be unaware of their own pasts and circumstances, gave room for the other characters to expand, but now as we wind down to the final few episodes of the season, it’s time to reveal all of that and “Koriand’r” answers a lot of questions about both Kory and Rachel, as well as opens a door literally and figuratively to the villain that has been shadowing the background from the beginning.
As Kory’s memories come flooding back, she discovers her mission has never been to protect Rachel – but something much more dangerous. Struggling to understand why, Dick and Donna are shocked to discover that Kory is an alien who reveals Rachel’s frightening origins. But just as they learn the identity of Rachel’s father – and how dangerous he can be – Angela convinces Rachel to use her abilities to summon him.
Titans Recap: Episode 110 "Koriand'r"
Written by: Gabrielle Stanton
Directed by: Maja Vrvilo
Original Airdate: December 14, 2018
At the end of “Hank and Dawn”, Rachel was reaching out to them from another plane of existence and this episode kicks off with Rachel in that plane seeking help as Kory is in a trance trying to kill her. Dick and Donna arrive on time to stop her from hurting both Rachel and Gar shaking Kory to her core and she flees. Gar remains our resident “voice of the audience” as he recognizes Donna as Wonder Girl when she uses her lasso to stop Kory.
Donna and Dick are in pursuit of Kory and we get more of their brother/sister relationship with her teasing him about sleeping with Kory and making excuses for her. “You have a thing for dangerous women, except for Dawn. You fucked that up”. They catch up to Kory who is remembering her past and headed straight to an abandoned warehouse where she uncovers the ship she came to earth on. They all board and there is where we learn about Kory’s mission and Rachel’s threat to the universe.

Ancient text from Kory’s planet reveal that, someone from another dimension came here long ago, destroyed a world and was banished. Somehow, this being was summoned to earth to conceive a daughter, Rachel’s father, Trigon. She is the doorway he can walk through, the anchor that will keep him here this time. Earth will be the first planet, eventually all worlds, Kory’s world will burn. Rachel is the only one who can defeat Trigon after she completes trials; 400 days of consecutive warrior training which Kory doesn’t think she can complete, but Dick is confident she can. This threat doesn’t seem quite as immediate, however, when Donna discovers it is not just Trigon and Raven in the book, but her mother also.

Angela has been playing them all along and the house she’s brought Rachel and Gar to is doing something to them. Gar is seeing things in the mirror, himself covered in blood, having visions of the man he mauled in the yard, eventually getting so sick he’s coughing up blood on the bathroom floor. Angela convinces Rachel she isn’t strong enough to save Gar and she has to bring her father to do it. Wanting to do the right thing, Rachel reaches into the mirror and pulls Trigon (Guest star Seamus Dever) to this world.
Dick, Donna, and Kory arrive back to the house as this is all happening and a forcefield of sorts forms around the house which on Dick can walk through. With only 2 episodes left to the season, it would seem that we are most likely not getting any kind of big battle between the Titans and Trigon, but instead an assembling of forces and probably a minor battle to convince Rachel to come with them and not her parents. This scenario bodes well for Season 2 as we can go into that season with a fully developed team ready to be heroes.