Hello, I’m Dee Dee. Backdooring for Heather (that looks way nastier in print than it does in my head) on this week’s backdoor prequel pilot of The 100. I know there are a lot of people that aren’t happy with this final season and honestly, I’ve been avoiding a lot of the commentary and tweets until after I’ve watched the episode and it’s actually increased my enjoyment. Before I begin, I have to say that yes, I’m irritated at the severe lack of Bellamy Blake this season and I want to give a shout out to the writers of LOST because all the flashbacks, flashforwards, and flash sideways of that show prepared me for hopping in between all the worlds, different timelines, and fluxes this final season has us on. Let’s run into the ectoplasmic green light and come out with perfect skin and shining hair Octavia-style, shall we?
[This review contains spoilers for the ‘Anaconda’ episode of the 100.]
The 100 Review: ‘Anaconda’
Season 7, Episode 8| Airdate: July 8th, 2020
Directed by: Ed Fraiman | Written by: Jason Rothenberg
Clarke’s face. Raven’s face. Miller’s face. The shock. The disbelief. The despair. Bellamy’s death was especially impactful for our delinquents. I love that most of the raw emotion came from them, especially since, over the course of seven seasons, 50 bajillion new characters, and one catastrophe after another, the heart of the show–these misguided, yet lovable juvenile delinquents, seems to have been pushed to the background. We’ve seen them grow up (time jump withstanding) mentally and emotionally, but in that moment, the magnitude of loss was something that only our rebels from The Ark could truly convey.

“We do this for him. We do this for our family” Like it or not, Bellamy Blake is one half of the driving force of this show and this season–which is wild when you consider he’s barely been on it. One of the best parts of this season? Raven and Clarke’s friendship. The writers got this part right. They mended the relationship between the Princess and the Mechanic. Furthermore, the friendship has been cemented with the burden of leadership and grief. Kane. Abby. Now Bellamy.
We’ve been postulating theories and demanding answers from the writers and they’re finally handing over the goods. True, it’s just confirmation of what we’ve been thinking since we first heard the words “Second Dawn” but it’s nice to be validated. Even Stevie Wonder could see the Shepherd would be Bill Cadogan.

We knew Second Dawn had some resonance within Sanctum when Russell wanted to burn our heroes at the stake in shades of Becca Praimheda meeting her fiery end Joan of Arc style.
We find out that Second Dawn isn’t a Doomsday Cult. According to Bill Cadogan it was “a collective of great minds dedicated to the continuation of their species.” (A cult. I said what I said) It was surprising to find out Cadogan understands Trig. When Bill postulated “If her language survived…” and then his eyes lit up with hope before he asked “Is my daughter in The Key?” my first thought was “Becca had better not be his daughter because Sheidheida’s kill code nuked the Flame.” High five to Clarke for letting everyone know that Second Dawn burnt Becca at the stake. Bastard.
