We’re back from hiatus with an episode that was neither terrible nor great. Definitely not the worst of the season but not the best either.

Highlights are as follows:
- Madi takes one of Sheidheda’s eyeballs
- Indra and Sheidheda fight where, in an effort to protect Madi, she kneels to him
- Echo was, in fact, pretending to be converted
- Clarke and Co reunite (officially) with their people in Bardo
- Diyoza crystallizes saving everyone else
- Anders is dead via Hope/Crystallization
- Jordan ponders that this might not be a war but a test
- Murphy and Emori hide some of the Faithful in the reactor room
Annnnnd, that’s where my review ends because frankly, I’m just anticipating the next episode more, I’m not even going to lie.
Based on the episode eleven (‘Etherea’) description, Bellamy Blake should theoretically be back.
For some reason, fans thought that he might show up tonight and be the teaser ending, alas, that’s not the case. The ending was all about Diyoza (which was admittedly, super cool to look at while also incredibly disappointing because I love her?) with no Bellamy to be seen.
A little birdie (me) said publicly, on twitter in response to someone who asked, on August 3rd, that it wasn’t a DNR for me to say that he wasn’t in the episode. Because it’s not. I have receipts. That information made it’s way through the Twitterverse and people had feelings about it. (And for those saying it was “unprofessional” or “you don’t deserve screeners if you’re just going to spoil things!”…It was quite literally not a spoiler -as evidence below in the DNRs that I put in to every single review-, and saying someone isn’t there, especially someone who hasn’t been there for quite awhile now, is in no way unprofessional. And while I apologize if the news upset you, focus on why you’re upset as opposed to lashing out at me, mkay? Also, I work my ass off on coverage for this show and you’re not in a position to comment on what I do or do not deserve.)
So basically, me and the internet are on the same page. We want Bellamy back, we’re super sad he’s not here right now, and for the love of everything that is Holy, he better be in the next episode. I might actually riot if he’s not?
Anyway, I have hope that I’ll see him for at least five minutes before he actually dies (because, I’m still convinced that that’s happening) and I look forward to seeing him next week. I hope he’s staying hydrated, wherever he is.
DO NOT REVEAL – “A Little Sacrifice”
- Anything about Sheidheda’s fight with Indra, including how it ends
- Echo using Disciple training as a cover and any choices she makes
- Any character deaths, including who is responsible and any consequences
I’ll see you guys next week with a normal (full) review.
The 100 airs Wednesday at 8/7c on The CW