As The Bold and the Beautiful audience prepares for the birth of their latest addition, a bouncing baby boy for the handsome coupling of Steffy and Finn ‘Sinn’, we are also braced to meet the in-laws as well. Jack and Li Finnegan, the parents of our strapping young doctor Finn are making a house call of their own to meet their soon-to-be-born grandson. A dramatic backstory for Finn has been teased, so as usual, fans are comping at the bit to delve further into Finn’s mysterious past.
Joining the cast, a year ago, Finn has been a source of discussion for many reasons. First appearing as the doctor who saved the life of his soon to be bride and the mother of his unborn son, Finn has been a bit of a unicorn to the audience. Steffy, having been linked to the father of her first born, Liam, for over a decade, has had little room for a happy relationship. Finn has been a breath of fresh air, but we needed more to fall completely for the young doctor. But just as requested, the calvary is on the way.

Casting Ted King and Naomi Matsuda as Jack and Li Finnegan was a major step toward unveiling more of Finn’s history and peeling back the curtain to give a glimpse of who he is besides the man who seems devoted to Steffy and the children they plan to raise together. With the approval of Steffy’s family being fully known, one major question is being asked. How will Li and Jack feel about Steffy? Although the Bold audience is familiar with Steffy and her checkered past, her triumphs, and failures, and some accept or disapprove, Finn’s parents’ reactions will be interesting to see.
The Bold audience is anticipating their arrival, and surprisingly, some are hoping for an epic duel between Steffy and her new mother-in-law. Steffy has had combative moments with Brooke Logan, her on and off stepmother/aunt/grandmother, but it would be intriguing to see a fresh rivalry for Steffy and seeing what Finn’s position would be if his mother and new bride end up clashing. It could bring forth some much-needed drama. But what would drama be without a little sweetness too?
This week’s promo for the birth of Steffy and Finn’s son displays an array of moments that were sorely missing from her last pregnancy. Moments like father of her child being excited and raving about his child and praising her for doing the tough job of giving birth, him holding her hand and coaching her during the birth, and the love the two proud parents shower on their little bundle, promising to protect him. Another bonus is the fact that Finn is also a doctor and gets to play an active role alongside Steffy and the midwife in assisting with the water birth of his son. The moments shown to us appear to be very intimate and beautiful.
Steffy’s father Ridge is also in the promo, and while he did show up after the birth of Kelly, she was nowhere near as supported as she has been during this pregnancy. This time around she has a supportive man that only loves her, she’s happy, her father isn’t distracted by blondes, and she hasn’t been stressed, wondering if her children were going to have a stable home.
We expect the sweetness to last for a bit longer, considering how long she had to wait to get to this point, but as in all soaps, there will be hurdles on the way to happily ever after. I hope we the audience are braced for whatever the twists may be. And I’m hoping for something completely entertaining. A real mystery.
This week we all get to look forward to the birth of Steffy and Finn’s first child and the arrival of Jack and Li at the end of the week. I’m ecstatic to see such a diverse addition to Steffy’s extended family unit, and hopefully Li Finnegan has done her research on the young CEO, if so, she might have a lot to say about Steffy’s union to her son. And—what if Finn filled his parents in on Steffy’s previous infidelity? What if they object to this union? What if they don’t want to accept Finn becoming an instant father of two? The possibilities are endless.
With any luck, we might get a showdown between two strong mothers, trying to do what’s best for their shared loved ones. While I’m strapped into my seat, prepared for anything, I’d be completely heedless if I didn’t admit to a secret longing to see Steffy’s in laws giving her the once over for betraying Finn with Liam. It was completely left field, and she still has yet to give a real explanation for her part in that dingy—I thought my wife was a mannequin—hookup debacle. Steffy still has some ‘explaining’ to do, and I hope Finn’s parents probe deeper into her psyche and ask the hard questions about her devotion to their son. Especially after the past week’s insanity of Steffy ranting about needing Liam while he’s being babysat by the state on cell block D. While we as an audience might understand Steffy’s complicated history with Liam and his troubles, we can’t expect the Finnegans to be as sympathetic to her protective nature over her daughter’s biological father. But only time will tell. This week should be interesting.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS.