We did it! By ‘it’, I mean we survived yet another hiatus from the best show on television, The Good Wife. This coming Sunday, Alicia and Diane will return to grace our screens with the first of the remaining episodes of season 6.
If you’re just now tuning in to this season, I feel inclined to ask: Where the hell have you been?? No, seriously. Where? However, if this is the case, let’s review the season so far and get you up to speed before the new episode.
Alicia Florrick is running for State’s Attorney.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
No…really…she is.
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I promise you…she is.

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See? After much insistence from Eli and a series of events surrounding her, Alicia finally gave in. Only problem is…we still don’t know why she is running.
Zach had an abortion and Alicia has pretty much disowned him.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://juliannamargulies.tumblr.com/
Yes, apparently, during the summer of 2013, while he was supposedly visiting colleges, Zach and his then-girlfriend Nisa were having an abortion. Now, we all know how Alicia feels about being lied to. No one is safe from her wrath. Not even her firstborn.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
In case you are under the impression that she is over it; we have yet to see a scene of her talking to him since she slammed the phone down after telling him to have fun in college. I speak for many when I say we just want this fixed.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://exceptionalmoment.tumblr.com/
Cary almost went to prison.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
As the old saying goes, you lie with dogs you catch fleas. The dog in this scenario would be Lemond Bishop. Thanks to his being their client, Cary was framed and arrested for supposedly taking part in aiding Bishop and his men in trafficking drugs. No matter how hard Diane fought for him, he was headed for prison.
But thanks to Kalinda…he is not.
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Florrick, Agos & Associates became Florrick, Agos & Lockhart.
If you remember correctly, at the end of season 5, Diane offered herself to Florrick/Agos as a partner. Well, much to Cary’s dismay, Alicia agreed. And everyone else followed suit.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
And then they evicted David Lee and Louis Canning from the Lockhart/Gardner offices and moved in.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
Peter Florrick “cheated” again.
We all remember the Florricks’ arrangement regarding their marriage, right? I’m sorry; I mean the arrangement Alicia put them in last season. Well, that would be why I say he “cheated”.
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Causing the Mrs. to deliver the line that everyone now wants on a t-shirt.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
In case you’re wondering…he did end it. Or did he? Hmmm…
Alicia planted one on her campaign manager, Johnny Elfman.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
Wait. Let me reverse that for you. Just in case.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://typicrobots.tumblr.com/
Contain your excitement. Because then she told him it didn’t mean anything.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://alciaflorrick.tumblr.com/
Which is likely true, given that this happened after she found out the charges against Cary were dropped. I mean, who doesn’t celebrate good news by kissing the first person they see? However, something tells me this is not the last we’ll see or hear of these two and their “moment”.
Alicia and Diane had a (stupid) fight and hearts broke everywhere.
After kicking David Lee and Louis Canning out of the offices they have since taken over, Diane and Cary hire David back. Oh, and they did this without first consulting Alicia. Needless to say, she didn’t take to this turn of events very well.
CBS/via Tumblr: http://ale-la-pazza1.tumblr.com/
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
CBS/via Tumblr: http://mymargulies.tumblr.com/
Excuse us?
CBS/via Tumblr: http://ale-la-pazza1.tumblr.com/
Oh…sorry. We were just incredibly confused by this argument that makes NO. DAMN. SENSE.
Well…there you have it. As long as you know these key things, you won’t be lost when the show returns on Sunday. Hopefully. So now…the question on everyone’s mind would be: Is Alicia going to win or lose the race for State’s Attorney? And in turn, if she does win, what does that mean for her law firm? I’ll be eagerly awaiting the answer to these questions and many others. What do you think?