From a one night stand to a father playing favorites, there were a whole lot of confessions being made last week on The Bold and the Beautiful. Blink and you would have missed one. Instead of manufacturing some huge sweeps like reveal, we saw subdued yet emotional progression to storylines that would take months on other shows.
The Bold and the Beautiful week in review for episodes airing September 28-October 2, 2015.
There’s No End To What I Can Do
Having turned down Wyatt’s request to bankroll a rival fashion house, Bill seemed to have some residual guilt over what he was sure his son saw as a slight. Katie, who was completely behind Wyatt’s idea, questioned Bill if Wyatt and Liam fighting was the only reason for his reluctance. To my surprise, Bill admitted something I think we all kind of knew, that saw and treated Wyatt differently than Liam because Quinn was his mother. I was so shocked to hear it that I had to rewind to make sure I didn’t misinterpret anything. Bill basically said that Liam’s mother was a saint and that he had gotten all her good qualities and that Quinn was a she-devil and Wyatt had gotten all of her bad ones. The way Bill views and speaks of women in general can be offensive anyway so I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised. I mean he once called Katie the “some assembly required model.” I was just surprised he admitted it out loud. And even more so when he did it again at Wyatt’s beach house.

Deacon (Sean Kanan) is a calming force for Quinn (Rena Sofer). Photo Credit: © Howard Wise/
Expecting to find him to smooth things over, he instead found Quinn who was already fuming over Ivy’s recount of being rebuffed again at Forrester Creations by Steffy and Liam. The standoff between Bill and Quinn was a lot different this week than it would have been say a year earlier. Quinn wasn’t yelling, or making threats or vague warnings. She was trying to get Bill to treat their son equally in spite of her being his mother. “Do you hate me that much that you would hold it against our son” was such a poignant question. The answer from Bill for the most part was yes. He told Quinn that Wyatt, like her, was unstable, reckless and not that bright. While he would later tell Katie that he said those things just to get to Quinn, there’s a little bit of truth in every so called lie. My question is why? I understand that Bill and Quinn have always had a contentious relationship, but where does all this hate from him come from? Is it because she kept Wyatt from him for so long? Or is it because she tried to Game Of Thrones his other son? Whichever it is, isn’t it wrong to hold that against Wyatt?
I will say this, there was no way Wyatt was any more qualified to be the VP of Forrester than Liam is, but I would love to see a rival fashion house. This need for the Spencer brothers to get along all the time is kind of boring. I think what bothers me the most is that ever since Quinn got with Deacon, her crazy level has come down substantially yet no one is recognizing that. She’s still “Crazy Quinn.” While I found a lot of humor in that role, I see no reason for her to regress back to that. Rena Sofer’s beauty and talent are out of this world and she is worth so much more than this same stigma they’ve placed on her character. If she’s not crazy, she’s completely off screen and it’s ridiculous. Also ridiculous is Liam’s over the top fear of her. After failing with Bill, Quinn went to Liam to get him to see the favoritism as well. Again, there were no threats, no weapons, just speaking from the heart. Liam basically blew her off and went running to Wyatt to tell him Quinn was going crazy again. The person behind the calmer Quinn arrived to see show off his new makeover to his wife. Yes, Deacon Sharp is still on the show but I can see how you might have forgotten that. Deacon did what he’s been doing, talking Quinn down from whatever thoughts may have been brewing in her head. Deacon and Quinn remain the best off screen couple on the show.
Every Day is Double Standard Day

Caroline (Linsey Godfrey) wanted to drop a bombshell on Thomas (Pierson Fode). Photo Credit: © Sean Smith/
The vasectomy cliffhanger from the previous Friday continued on Monday with Ridge confessing everything to a shocked Caroline. As he poured out his heart, she just kind of sat there in a tear stained daze over the secret of her own she was carrying. Needed to get some air, Caroline ran out of the apartment she shared with Ridge and to the Forrester mansion seemingly to tell Thomas about the baby she was carrying. The timing of her arrival could not have been worse as she found Thomas with a naked Charlotte the intern in his bed. Unable to say what she was trying to say, she instead ran out of the house and went to the spot she and Ridge were married to reflect on what she had to do next. Meanwhile, the old faithful busybody that is Brooke Logan showed up to see Ridge and found out he had told Caroline the whole truth. I am done complaining about Brooke’s motiveless insertion into this story since it clearly won’t be ending anytime soon.
As they were talking about other methods of conception and what not, Ridge got an alert from Pam about one of the interns being missing and tracking her cell phone and left to take care of it. Let’s stop right there. Why in the hell is the CEO responsible for hunting down interns? I mean seriously, some plot points are entirely too silly to entertain. Anyway, Ridge came in just as Charlotte was leaving and a father son melee ensued. Ok, it wasn’t a melee, it was one punch but what led up to it was quite the sparring match. Ridge tore into Thomas about his immaturity and actions without thinking of the consequences. Thomas basically told him he wasn’t doing anything that he himself didn’t do at his age. He then threw the never ending family hopping Ridge did in his face and broke down emotions that had clearly been bottled up for years. Ridge’s only defense was that he was a father when it mattered. When messes needed cleaning up or finances needed dolling out. He then proceeded to call his son an entitled brat with no accountability. Pot meet kettle, fist meet eye.
After their little scrum, Thomas went back to the office and tell Steffy about what happened while Ridge went back to his apartment to get some news of his own. Caroline informed Ridge that she had something to tell him and he immediately assumed she was leaving him for not being able to give her children. She assured him that wasn’t it. She sat on the couch and curled up into a ball as she began to recount the night Ridge had broken up with her. She told him about the anxiety pills and the wine and the man she let hold her. Ridge pushed her for more details and asked if he had spent the night. She told him that the man she was with didn’t know the state that she was in and that he was only trying to be a friend to her but misread the situation. After being asked multiple times about his identity, she finally told Ridge that it was his son. There wasn’t some huge public spectacle or incident. It was just two people being honest each other and letting their emotional performances be event. It was brilliantly done and I’m sure the aftermath will be equally gripping.
This week, Ivy seeks Eric’s help, Ridge harbors the truth and Rick & Maya discuss starting a family.
Line of the Week: “It’s really something that i’d much rather trust the woman who threw me off a bridge in Paris in comparison to the boyfriend who threw me under a bus” -Ivy
Performer of the Week: *Tie* Rena Sofer (Quinn) and Pierson Fodé (Thomas)