There was a lot of foreshadowing this past week on The Bold and the Beautiful. Longtime soap fans will likely agree with my assessment, but let’s not focus on what’s to come, instead let’s talk about what went down for the week of August 17-21, 2020.

Let’s start with the Brooke and Ridge drama. Any sympathy I felt for these two last week is gone. I should have known it wouldn’t last long. These two have a long history of me liking and disliking them.
The week ended with Brooke and Ridge declaring their love and promising to reunite after Ridge gets an annulment from Shauna. While the conversation between them was important, it was repetitive in nearly every segment. Ridge is sorry. He was drunk. He doesn’t remember. Brooke was betrayed. She can’t forgive him. How could he divorce her and marry someone else the same night? If I had a dollar for every time those statements were made this week, well I certainly wouldn’t be broke. Of course, by week’s end, Brooke was able to forgive him. Just as Bill Spencer was filled in on the new status of his former wife. We even got Brooke and Bill flashbacks. Seriously, guys, I’m not up for another round of Brooke and Bill making horse noises together. That was dreadful. Unfortunately, that seems to be where we are headed. Can we just bring Nick or Deacon back if we are going to keep Brooke and Ridge apart please?
Okay, We Get It
Repetitive was the word of the week for the show as Shauna and Quinn had their same old conversation about the events of Vegas. We even got the same old tired flashbacks. Sometimes I really want to tear my hair out. We do not need a daily reminder that Shauna and Quinn manipulated the situation. We certainly do not need it to be shoved down our throats this often. Lord have mercy. Shauna should be the root worthy character here but I find it hard to root for her because despite the fact that we hear every five minutes how guilty she feels for sending the text to Carter to file the divorce papers, we don’t see her doing anything expect rehashing everything with Quinn and later Flo. I feel like she could at least be trying to seduce Ridge or something. She should be doing anything she can to make him want to stay married to her. She is way to passive to go against Brooke Logan right now. I’m hoping that will change in the future.
Points Made
The other story featured this week was of course Steffy’s growing addiction to her pain medication. Thomas was back to support his sister and encourage her to take medication. He was horrified to find out that she had run out and advocated for her to request a refill from Finn even though Steffy told him that Finn had already told her no. It’s clear to see Thomas’ concern for his sister and it warms my heart considering that not that long ago he was using her for his own personal gains. He is worried and he feels that part of her pain is coming from not having Liam in her life. I hate how all roads lead back to Liam. I really do. However, Thomas’ opinion has merit.

I think in addition to the responsibilities she has with her daughter and at work, Steffy is still harboring feelings for Liam and disappointment that she didn’t get the guy. I don’t want her with Liam, but he is who she has been in love with for years and years, it’s hard to turn it off. Maybe the pills turn it off for a little bit. I get it. I don’t like it though. I really wanted Liam to not be a part of Steffy’s story anymore, aside from the Kelly connection.
After some convincing, against his better judgement, Finn agreed to give Steffy another refill on her medication. It was evident that he was reluctant to do so, but she was able to convince him that the pain was too bad to be managed by over the counter pain meds. He is concerned about her though and I think that will come to play later on and I’m hoping it leads him to becoming her friend instead of just her doctor because in case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m all in for him being the man that makes her move on from Liam once and for all. I hope.
The Wrap
My pick for this week’s performer of the week is Jacqueline MacInnes Wood. She has done a tremendous job of conveying the pain and agony that Steffy is currently in and her struggle to be back to her normal self.
My choice for worse character of the week is Brooke Logan. I’m sorry. I know this is going to get me some hate. I just got so annoyed by her repetitiveness and her nerve to act as though this is the worst thing she and Ridge has ever been though. These two have been back and forth for years. Brooke has done far worse than get drunk and marry someone else.
My biggest let down of the week is that there are no other stories being featured. We know from spoilers that Zoe and Carter are supposed to be growing closer, but we aren’t seeing that. We need to see it. How are we supposed to be excited for a romance when we don’t get to see the buildup to it?
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Episodes are available on and CBS All-Access.