OH. MY.GOD. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ll begin with Adam. He’s not on this week. But holy kryptonite, everything else. Let’s dive into my Krypton recap for “Hope”.
Krypton Recap: Season 1 Episode 9: “Hope”
Airdate: May 16, 2018
Written by James Stoteraux and Chad Fiveash

(Photo by: Steffan Hill/Syfy)
“Do you know the origins of the El sigil? It comes from an ancient Kryptonian word that means Hope.”- Val-El
When you think about the fact that it’s only been 2 weeks, it’s no wonder Seg hasn’t locked himself in the Fortress and told everyone to fend for themselves. He’s lost both of his parents, received rank, a guild, and a fiancé; on top of that he’s been told about the alien life form threatening his planet by a time traveler and tasked with protecting his unborn grandson, future hero of the universe. If that wasn’t enough, there’s the whole most destructive creature in the universe hiding in a vault only his blood can open, oh and not exactly, because it turns out, General Dru Zod is actually half El, meaning he’s Seg’s son as much as he is Lyta’s and wow did the Superman mythos just get a whole lot soapier.
Jayna and Seg suspect Dru will go back for Doomsday and have the Cythonnites move it, what they’re not expecting is Dru to be able to open the chamber on his own and Lyta to be helping him. It seems years of bad parenting choices have pushed Lyta to do everything she can to support her child, even if that means choosing him over her mother and Seg.
While I can sympathize with Lyta in regards to her mixed feelings over her mother, I kind of drew the line with her shooting her mother to protect Dru. Jayna is such an MVP, from her impassioned speech to Lyta, self reflection, admitting she was wrong, and accepting a death challenge from her grandson; Ann Ogbomo continues to shine as one of the strongest characters on this show.

(Photo by: Steffan Hill/Syfy)
Doomsday is most definitely getting out of his chamber soon. Seg is hoping Val-ogram can help them keep it contained. Seg’s struggle with what to do, especially in light of the fact he thinks Adam is died to save him, really pulls at the heart strings. Space Grandpa comes through with the backstory on the House of El sigil’s meaning. Hope. *cue touching musical swells* “A symbol they chose and defined through action. As long as there is an El on Krypton, there will be hope. And hope can be a powerful weapon.”
Nyssa continues to show her loyalty and trustworthiness. She sneaks back into the guilded area to enlist the Sagitarri, accompanies Seg & Jayna to the catacombs, and remains by Seg’s side throughout. When Brainiac attacks Seg, she comes through with the save, and a kiss. This ship is rising!

(Photo by: Steffan Hill/Syfy)
Other huge news:
- Jax-Ur is revealed to be a former science guild member while torturing Daron trying to get information about the “Vara” protocol. Which is clones of the most elite, ranked houses.
- Who knew the key to the El Fortress could be powerful enough to shatter the Voice’s body… an action that brings Brainiac in full form looking awesome (high five to the CGI department) to Kandor!
- Kudos to those of us that were Team Jayna’s brother is still alive! Coming through to save his sister after Lyta and Dru leave her for dead!
- According to Dru, VAL-EL is STILL ALIVE!!!!!!
Will Val be able to keep Doomsday in his cage? Will Lyta regret her decision to side with Dru? Is Adam in the Phantom Zone where we assume Val-El is? Will Seg stop Brainiac or will the timeline stay intact ensuring Superman’s survival? All of that and more will hopefully be answered in next weeks Season finale. And hey SyFy, where’s our renewal announcement?