Days of our Lives star Eric Martsolf (Brady) sat down for a interview with TVSource Magazine during the “Day of Days” fan event at Universal Studios this past Saturday. The hunky actor discusses the end ‘Bristen,’ the dark path ahead for Brady and a huge development that’ll set Brady on a journey that uncovers a big mystery!
The actor’s had quite the ride since joining the soap in 2008 as perennial loser in love Brady Black. With a string of dead ex-girlfriends (Arianna, Madison) and on-again-off-again lover Nicole always leaving him for another man, it wasn’t too surprising when the former addict hooked up Stefano’s villainous daughter, Kristen DiMera (Eileen Davidson). That is of course, if you ignore that she almost became his step-mother…and her obsession with destroying his father, John and step-mother, Marlena.
With Kristen, Brady saw a women who needed the benefit of doubt; underneath tough facade was a woman who just wanted to be loved. Kristen originally only saw Brady as a means to an end in her quest for revenge, but ended up falling for him. That didn’t stop her from drugging and raping his brother, Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan). Last week, the s—t hit the fan and all was exposed!
“It was as soapy as it gets,” said the actor with excitement. Though the climax of the story lead to the end of a year-long storyline, it was also bittersweet as Eileen Davidson was also departing the show. “I am going to miss Eileen like crazy. My experience with her has been awesome.”
While Brady and Kristen did became a popular couple, they also weren’t without their critics. Many questioned why Brady was able to put such blind faith in Kristen after all she’s done. That’s something that wasn’t lost on the actor as well. “I know Brady has taken a lot of hits lately for being the ignoramus of the story, but I wouldn’t be too hard on the guy. When you are in love you don’t tend to see things how they [really] are.”

DAYS OF OUR LIVES — “Universal Fan Event” — Pictured: (l-r) Eric Martsolf, Suzanne Rogers, John Aniston — (Photo by: Vivian Zink/NBC)
The actor says there is a difficult road ahead for his character. Brady is driven by addiction, something the show plans to delve into in a big way. “[Brady’s] is an addict. He wants to drink a lot, he wants to snort a lot, he wants to love a lot, he wants to have sex a lot, and he wants to have power a lot,” teases the actor. “Not only [are the writers] going to explore his substance abuse, but other realms of addiction as well. We are going to learn he is a deeper addict than was initially thought.”
But what about life-post Kristen? Will Brady move on sooner rather than later? He wouldn’t tell us specifics, but it doesn’t look like he’ll be lonely for too long. “They love to mix relationships up when these disasters happen so don’t get too comfortable with the pairings right now because it all gets mixed up.”
Eric Martsolf was sure to leave us one final tease, and it’s a pretty big one at that. “It’s also going to come out that Brady [actually] has no ties to DiMera or Brady families at all,” he said with excitement. “There is a reveal that happens – something about John Black’s true mother, her true identity. There is a twist to that.”
A twist indeed!
- ‘Day of Days’ Interview: Deidre Hall and Drake Hogestyn Preview John & Marlena’s Reunion
- ‘A Day of Days’ Interview: Blake Berris, Camila Banus and Kate Mansi
- ‘A Day of Days’ Interview: Casey Moss and Jen Lilley
- ‘A Day of Days’ Interview: Greg Vaughan and Ari Zucker Talk Eric and Nicole’s Big Confrontation
- ‘A Day of Days’ Interview: Suzanne Rogers and John Aniston
Did you not read the last line in the interview!? Let me recap it for you “It’s also going to come out that Brady [actually] has no ties to DiMera or Brady families at all,” he said with excitement. “There is a reveal that happens – something about John Black’s true mother, her true identity. There is a twist to that.”
How is commenting on that “rude”?
Of course that’s what everyone will talk about, that was the most intriguing thing in the interview.
[…] we interviewed the actor during the NBC/Days of our Lives ‘Day of Days’ event in November, he […]
Colleen Brady was revealed to be John’s mother, not Stefano’s. They share a father, Santos. Stefano’s hatred of the Brady’s & John is supposedly because his father, Santos, loved John more because Colleen was his soulmate & he kind of pushed Stefano off to the side. The only way they can change this is if Colleen wasn’t really a Brady.
The best episode I ever saw on days was the Day that Marlena was standing that Pier and turned and saw John. I can hope that the writers put them back together otherwise the 2 characters would be lost and without much purpose on the show. And if they change his Mother then he will no longer be Steph’s brother! Huge storyline change that should never happen!
THANKS for the clarification Kari. Yet why can a large storyline from just a couple years ago. Wasn’t both John and Steph’s mother Colleen and it was a good storyline and now they wish to change it again. So will be they be bringing GrandPa Shawn back as well.
Such would change too much, maybe the newer writers should review past storylines prior to rewriting them thoroughly!
I don’t have a lot to say about Brady except that I feel his talents are being wasted. All they have him doing is climbing in bed with every girl in Salem, having a hot temper and punching everyone out whether he is right or wrong and he and the Brady’s all think they are justified in all they do while judging others who don’t do half the stuff they get away with. I like Brady and John together. I am so glad that John will be back but please stick Marlena on a bus with Roman and send them off to Neverland. Marlena brings John down and adds nothing to the show except how she gets away with breaking the law and stands in judgement on others. I wish the writers would stop bringing back all the old Brady’s. The scripts they give them are so phoney and boring. Let’s take the new characters and bring them out more. Things are getting stale again. I want to know more about Ann and her hatred toward Jennifer. Let’s turn the Days clock ahead instead of back. I loved Kate and Stefano and Victor and Maggie. Great couples, great story lines and humor. Time for Caroline to retire as well as Julie and Doug. And Marlena should bear the brunt of letting that video of Eric out. She is another example of doing wrong and blaming a Di Mera for it. Let’s nurture EJ and Sami. They are a good couple. And, oh yes, let’s fire the entire police force and start over. They sure haven’t solved anything yet. And yet, they never apologize for battering the wrong suspects, usually the Di Mera’s. Hope needs to retire and gain some weight. She and Jennifer should take a long trip together. I’m sorry Days but you blew it again. Things were going well and you had to go and ruin it. When will you start listening to the fans? I’ve watched since Day 1 and am trying to stick with you guys but you have to give something back. Last thing is that I have liked watching while Raiff is out of the main stream. Please keep him there. Salem doesn’t need his over-rated ego.
They are changing John’s mother not Brady’s.
To take out Isabella as his mother is Beyond wrong and distructive.
And I do hope that this soap learns about true addicts for their storyline on Pot was so overblown and inaccurate that it destroyed the storyline. Obviously there must be younger and younger writers to this soap!
What is this about Brady’s roots? He was Victor’s daughter’s kid with John. What do the other families have to do with it?
You people shouldn’t really talk anything about any developments concerning John, this is an Eric Martsolf interview about Brady and especially Bristen. So that is all that should be commented on, otherwise it will be rude.
My poor John. *Sniffles* No wonder he finds it hard to trust ANYBODY since he doesn’t even know what the truth is since he has been lied to his whole life. I am for ANYTHING that KEEPS Drake on my screen so BRING IT ON but my heart breaks for this character. PLEASE, is it too much to hope for that John’s mother is ALIVE and not dead? This poor guy needs some LOVE! Also, maybe they can bring in some sisters for him too since Drake is AWESOME with the ladies! I’m not as upset about this change in his family history as I thought I’d be. It isn’t as if the Bradys welcomed “Ryan Brady” into their lives anyway and the John DiMera storyline went nowhere. Also, I LOVE seeing Drake and Eric working together, GREAT actors!
I can’t believe they are retconning John’s paternity once again. Just make him Roman Brady once and for all! To hell with Josh Taylor’s character…he can turn out to be Chris Kositchek if he must remain on the canvas.
Brady fascinates me. It’s fun to go on his addict ride with him. Looks like it’s time to check out seat belts… Woohoo!!
wow…i am pretty intrigued by this new ‘twist’..tell us Eric tell and i guess it will be a new storyline for Brady, John and certainly Marlena..once again John has a new backstory..lmao