So, I’m just going to lay it out for you — The Bold and the Beautiful has all the markings to make it a fabulous soap, but does absolutely nothing with it. This week alone we saw Liam and Hope have the same conversation for the millionth time, Ridge and Brooke have had the same argument for the last two months, and Thomas has had the same obsession with Hope for over a year. It’s getting repetitive and frankly, annoying. But since this is all the show wants to give us, let’s dive in and I’ll give them what I want to as well. Here’s my week in review for The Bold and the Beautiful for the week of February 17-21, 2020.
What I Liked
I really liked Katie being there for Sally. I appreciate that Sally has someone in her corner that wants nothing but her well-being and happiness. Katie doesn’t have to be there for her, there are no emotional ties that make Katie feel obligated. Katie is just genuinely worried for Sally. Katie knows that Sally is unreasonably stubborn right now, much like how Katie was when she was suffering with postpartum depression. She even used that to get Sally to understand that maybe this wasn’t the best course of action.
Of course, Sally has no idea that Katie has already told anyone with two ears that Sally is dying. Wyatt was lamenting to Flo about poor Sally’s condition and how he wants to be there for her. Flo goes on to tell Wyatt that he needs to be there for Sally and how they have the rest of their lives to spend time together. Did anyone else hear that anvil?
One thing I really loved this week was while Liam and Hope were having the same argument for the six hundredth time, she hit him with a truth bomb. “I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t walk in on him kissing another woman. At least Thomas could be fully committed to me.”
Shots fired, Ms. Logan. Shots fired.
It seemed to even take Liam back a little bit. This is Hope’s whole point as to why they aren’t together. It honestly has nothing to do with Thomas and Douglas right now. She can’t trust him. Yes, Steffy kissed him at Thomas’s behest, but they don’t know that. Liam didn’t pull away. He kissed her back. He didn’t even realize Hope was there until Steffy turned her head and saw her. Liam even admitted to Steffy that he didn’t regret the kiss, he just regretted that Hope saw it.
This is why I can never be on Liam’s side and why I will forever wish that Hope and Steffy could be out of this ridiculous storyline.
What I Could Do Without
As much as it pains me to say this, I could really do without Douglas right now. Anyone who knows me knows that I love that kid. He’s adorable and I adore him. But right now, with the they are writing him? I want less. Much less.
I am over the whole “I want my parents together” trope they write for children. I know that most of that is because he is being manipulated by Thomas, I get that, but that doesn’t stop it from getting under my skin. If the only lines you are writing for that kid are “Why is Zoe here? I want you to marry Mommy. Daddy loves you. Please marry Daddy.” then why is he there at all? You could have Thomas or Hope say something about Douglas being upset and troubled over Thomas’s relationship with Zoe without having five days of Douglas saying the same thing repeatedly.
The Rest of It

I am finding myself increasingly annoyed every time I see #Bridge on my screen. I almost want to give up all together. They have the same fight over and over all the while professing about how much they love one another. Guys, either get back together or just move the hell on.
Shauna is waiting in the wings to pick up Ridge’s broken feelings and I’m sure someone could come and make Brooke feel better in the interim. Bring back Whip. As much as I love them, it might be time to let this ship sail into the night. Maybe revisit Ridge and Quinn and give Eric and Brooke another shot? Just one reviewers thought.
Thomas is a villain with no stakes. His motivations are ridiculous at best and he’s not really fooling anyone other than his father and Hope. Where is the progress that he is supposedly making? What will happen when everyone finds out that he’s been using his son to get to Hope yet again? The answer will more than likely be nothing. No one will take Thomas away from him, though Hope may try. People may scream at him, rant and rave about how horrible he is, but what does that achieve? Will he ever have remorse for using his son? His father? His sister? Zoe? Pretty much every person who has ever cared for him? I highly doubt it but hey.
Maybe next week.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Episodes are available on