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Amanda Drago is also known as “Hot Mess Mandy”. She’s looking for a tall, dark and handsome man who enjoys long walks on the beach. Oh wait, wrong bio. A known fan of sarcasm and snark, she has a Bachelor’s Degree in handling the “cray” and a Masters in real talk. Huge fan of soaps, reality tv, and really any well written show that can handle her short attention span. Usually the trashier the show, the better. Right now she’s walking the earth wondering why she do not have her own damn reality television series. How many times does a girl have to tweet Andy Cohen for a network deal and not get a response?

Current Favorite Network Shows:  None at the moment

Current Favorite Cable Shows:  Game of Thrones,  Homeland,

Current Favorite Soaps: This will shock EVERYONE: Days of our Lives – yeah I might do a twitter play by play.

Guilty pleasure: I never feel guilty for watching the trash that is Real Housewives of [Insert Location here] because I watch them all. Also, I may partake in Teen Moms, but really, I……….YOU DON’T KNOW MY LIFE!

Recent Articles

‘Game of Thrones’ Recap – The Final Season – The Iron Throne

It is of course with a heavy heart that we come to the end of HBO’s Game of Thrones, and it will take everything in my power not to enter a diatribe over the course of this recap. But seeing as this is my “recap” then I can DO WHAT I WANT SO HERE COMES THE BIGGEST RANT. After eight years and 73 episodes, this is how the game ended? [Editor’s Note: This article contains major spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8, episode 6.] Game of Thrones Recap: “The Iron Throne” Season 8, Episode 6 | Airdate: May 19, 2019 My Personal […]

‘Game of Thrones’ Recap – The Final Season – “The Bells”

Thanks for joining me on the penultimate episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones. All I can say is I have no idea what the fuck happened in “The Bells”. So say I’m kind of disappointed with the way this show is going would be an understatement, and I am going to guess I will not be thrilled with the ending. But like the rest of you, I am in it for the long haul and it is what it is, so away we go with this recap. [Editor’s Note: This article contains major spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8, episode 5.] Game […]

Game of Thrones Recap – The Final Season – “The Last of the Starks”

I knew going into episode four of Game of Thrones‘ final season that “The Last of the Starks” it would never live up to the previous — and I was right. After the tense, epic battle of “The Longest Night,” I am annoyed; I think this show does this on purpose because they like torturing us then rewarding us with a good episode, so next week should be great! [Editor’s Note: This article contains major spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8, episode 4.] Game of Thrones Recap: “The Last of the Starks”Season 8, Episode 4 | Airdate: May 5, 2019 Dead […]

Game of Thrones Recap – The Final Season – “The Long Night”

Oh my god! It’s taken years but Game of Thrones‘ third episode of the final season finally saw the conflict between the alive and the undead come to a head in the Battle of Winterfell. So obviously we knew some people were going to die, some would live, but I was clutching my pearls the entire time. There was a ton of fighting in this episode so it should be a quick recap but oh my god that ending! Let’s dive into the Season 8 episode “The Long Night”. [Editor’s Note: This article contains major spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8, episode […]

Game of Thrones Recap – The Final Season – “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”

Welcome to the second episode of the final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones. Two down, four to go! This episode was like Christmas Eve where all our characters are waiting up all night in anticipation of dead people instead of Santa. It was long, it was intense, and we have a lot to cover so away we go!

Game of Thrones Recap – The Final Season – “Winterfell”

The wait is finally over, we are now on the final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones, which is, let’s face it — the BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION. Come for me. I don’t care. I am on a television high. The season is shorter and the episodes are longer and if you are not caught up STOP READING NOW….FINAL WARNING because away we go!

Games of Thrones Season 7 Finale – ‘The Dragon and the Wolf’

Here we are for the finale of the greatest show on earth. I am emotionally exhausted after tonight’s episode so please do not be shocked by any emotional outbursts and/or any fits of rage and happiness. Warning: this recap may include side effects such as depression, uncontrollable laughter, temporary blindness, anger, shock, tears, more laughter, narcolepsy, and diarrhea. Hopefully not that last one, but I just wanted to cover all my bases. So, let’s look at tonight’s episode since we will have nothing to do until 2019:

Games of Thrones Recap: Season 7 Episode 6 – ‘Beyond the Wall’

The penultimate episode of Game of Thrones seventh season is upon us. Yep that means only ONE episode left. As always, this episode was filled with tons of action, which means next week will have me a pissed off ball of mess on the floor having to wait a year until this finally ends – and then I can buy the box collection you know will be released where I get bonus scenes and relive every freaking moment because too much has happened on this show over the years.

Game of Thrones Recap: Eastwatch

Forget about some big old introduction for this week’s Game of Thrones episode because we must start with breaking news – the dragon is alive and fine! What went down in the fifth episode of season 7? Let’s unpack it.

Game of Thrones Recap: ‘The Spoils of War’

The great thing about Game of Thrones now is we don’t have to wait 90 episodes for anything to happen and people to move. Remember Daenerys journeying across that desert for like 2 seasons? Yeah, I hated it to, so hooray for fast forward Game of Thrones because this might have been the best episode ever of this show if anything for the last fifteen minutes alone.

Game of Thrones Recap: Ep 703 – The Queen’s Justice

I’m not happy after this week’s Game of Thrones. I shall not hold back, because I have been so sick this past week that Jorah had it easier than I did. Yes, I felt that gross. He also recuperated quicker than I, so what the hell is that about? I get this show is ending quicker rather than later, but did that have to go at mach speed? Any who let’s take a look at this week’s highs and lows, and everything in between in “The Queen’s Justice”.

Games of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2: ‘Stormborn’

Welcome to week two of oh my God I cannot believe we are almost done with this show when THINGS KEEP HAPPENING! This week’s Game of Thrones was just as action packed as the first, and it didn’t even include a horrific cameo from a ginger Hobbit. We have tons to get through so here we go, the highlights and low points of tonight’s episodes: